Entire OnHire Knowledge Base
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What's New - Release Notes
X Beta Release Notes - December 2024
X9.5 Release Notes - July 2024
X9.4.1 Release Notes - February 2024
X9.4 Release Notes - January 2024
Version X9 Release Notes
Version X8 Release Notes
Version X7 Release Notes
Version X6 Release Notes
Version X5 Release Notes
Important Updates
Main Master
Member Master
Client Master
Allocations Master
Placement Master
Recruitment Dashboard
Onboarding an Applicant
Client Allocations
Check in - Check Out
Shift Task Checklist
Allocations Drop Down
Member Tab
Request and Restrictions
Visa in Allocations
Member Allocations
Getting Started
Confirming Shifts
End of Finanical Year
Finance - Tools
Finance Master
Additions and Deductions
Single Touch Payroll
Finance - Profiles
Single Shift - Being Phased Out
Credit and Debits Notes
Your Members
Logging In
Your Clients
Professional Portal
Client Profile Management
Client Portal 2.0
Client Portal 2.0
Setting Global Master Level Preferences
How to set Client Level Settings?
Login to the Client Portal 2.0
Bookings in the Client Portal 2.0
Staff Preferences in the Client Portal 2.0
Financial Reporting in the Client Portal 2.0
Recruitment Reports
Members Reports
Client Reports
Availability Reports
Performance Reports
Booking Reports
Moblie App User Login Reports
Finance Reports
Permanent Placements
Growth Modules
Client Compliances
Advanced Infection Control
Unmanaged Jobs
Leave Management
Resume Parsing
Shift Unfilled Program
Smart Shifts
Contact Log
Multiple ABN
NDIS Card and Case Notes
Growth Module - Online References
Seek and Broadbean
Shift Match
Member Fatigue Management
Webinar Library
Growth Modules
Version Releases
Printer Kit
User Manual - Printer Kit
Additional Services
Online Store
Version X - Growth Modules
Version X - Reporting
Verison X - FAQ
Version X - Allocations
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Entire OnHire Knowledge Base
Getting started
What's New - Release Notes
X Beta Release Notes - December 2024
X9.5 Release Notes - July 2024
X9.4.1 Release Notes - February 2024
X9.4 Release Notes - January 2024
Version X9 Release Notes
Version X8 Release Notes
Version X7 Release Notes
Version X6 Release Notes
Version X5 Release Notes
Important Updates
Main Master
Member Master
Client Master
Allocations Master
Placement Master
Recruitment Dashboard
Onboarding an Applicant
Client Allocations
Check in - Check Out
Shift Task Checklist
Allocations Drop Down
Member Tab
Request and Restrictions
Visa in Allocations
Member Allocations
Getting Started
Confirming Shifts
End of Finanical Year
Finance - Tools
Finance Master
Additions and Deductions
Single Touch Payroll
Finance - Profiles
Single Shift - Being Phased Out
Credit and Debits Notes
Your Members
Logging In
Your Clients
Professional Portal
Client Profile Management
Client Portal 2.0
Client Portal 2.0
Setting Global Master Level Preferences
How to set Client Level Settings?
Login to the Client Portal 2.0
Bookings in the Client Portal 2.0
Staff Preferences in the Client Portal 2.0
Financial Reporting in the Client Portal 2.0
Recruitment Reports
Members Reports
Client Reports
Availability Reports
Performance Reports
Booking Reports
Moblie App User Login Reports
Finance Reports
Permanent Placements
Growth Modules
Client Compliances
Advanced Infection Control
Unmanaged Jobs
Leave Management
Resume Parsing
Shift Unfilled Program
Smart Shifts
Contact Log
Multiple ABN
NDIS Card and Case Notes
Growth Module - Online References
Seek and Broadbean
Shift Match
Member Fatigue Management
Webinar Library
Growth Modules
Version Releases
Printer Kit
User Manual - Printer Kit
Additional Services
Online Store
Version X - Growth Modules
Version X - Reporting
Verison X - FAQ
Version X - Allocations
You ask, we answer! Find answers to our most frequently asked questions about Entire OnHire.
FAQ: What do I do if my STP fails?
FAQ: Why can one of my clients not place a booking for a specific qualification?
FAQ: Can I set the system up to automatically suspend members if they don't work?
FAQ: Can I set the system up to automatically suspend members whose registration is set to expire?
FAQ: Can I set the system up to advise if a member consistently does not enter availability?
FAQ: Why can I not change a member's industry?
FAQ: Why did a travel allowance not split into the taxable and untaxable component?
FAQ: How can I troubleshoot a member not receiving notifications on an Apple Device?
FAQ: Why can I not see certain screens in the Entire web portal?
FAQ: What is the quickest way to update public holidays in the Finance Portal?
FAQ: How can I change the colour/theme of my Entire Web Portal?
FAQ: How can I add someone to be notified of bulk payroll run outcomes?
FAQ: Why are certain shifts appearing within the Current Booking Report that didn't occur within the period?
How to effectively manage your notifications
Why my member is not able to update the standby in availability.
How to Edit User Profile.
Can I update my qualification codes, why is this greyed out?
How to upload Documents via the Admin App
How to Customize Applicant Portal Menus?
Customise Job Application Page
Can I customize the email template sent to applicants upon submitting an application, based on the industry?
If we add a new company policy via 'Member Master - Company Policies', will that be applicable for all existing members or just new members?
How to edit the "Applicant Portal" page listed keywords?
What is a Zone in relation to a client?
Online Permission Overview
How do I add a new suburb?
How do I add a new zone?
How do I add a new Region?
How can I edit a bank name for an active BSB in Masters?
Why can I see certain qualifications under one member and not another?
What does the flag Shift bookings - System by default is set as shift base. Please tick this option if you need shift bookings as per "shift time" instead of "Shift type" do?
See more
Can members upload a profile/ID photo via the app or do the internal staff have to do it?
Understanding Entry Notes Display on the Member App
Why are the sleepover shifts coming up as AM shifts on the members app?
How do I clear data (cache) for the WorkForce app on my iPhone?
How to Update Superannuation in the Member's App?
Why is my login not working? (Android Devices)
Can you download the Members' App on an iPad/tablet?
Why is the day of the week wrong for the date of a shift on the members' app?
How do I Make Rate Tables Visible on the Member's App
How do I delete an agency account from my workforce app?
August 2024 - Google API Updates
Why are my members not able to submit their timesheet?
Why are members struggling to check in?
How to submit timesheets for IOS.
See more
How to Set up Family and Domestic Violence Leave
How to set deduction % on Member's Pay
How to permanently discard a shift
How to regenerate timesheets?
How to create a custom scale.
How to exempt Subcontractors from being paid Superannuation.
How can I make a different bank account active for a member?
How to email all members who have not submitted timesheets from finance
How to email all finance contacts that timesheets are pending approval
Why are my members getting an error with Google Distance not working?
Why am i getting an error when trying to up upload an allowance in a Rate Table.
Why there is a discrepancy between the STP submission Report (the YTD gross amount) and the payroll history report
Can I add a discount to an invoice?
Why are the layout for my invoices not changing once I change the options?
How can I set up my invoices to be sent per delivery location?
How do I mark different names on an invoice under Attention?
How to implement sleepover shift types and allowances.
Finance - Bulk addition
Finance - How to move a member from one branch to another
How to update the Head Office Address on an Invoice
How to view and track Debit/Credit Notes
How to have super payments sent to a members SMSF using superstream.
Does Entire OnHire have the capacity to roster/pay staff on a Permanent/full-time basis?
How can I see my super cut off dates for the previous financial year?
How to record a Member Pay within Finance if you have paid external (Cash)
How should I set up Government Paid Parental Leave within Finance
How to Update Payment and Invoice Bank Details
How Can You Delete The Allowance Rates
Where we can update the Super Employer ID?
How to correct your payslip if it was email out with Chinese/random symbols
How to Clear Submitted Timesheet Details?
Why are my Invoice dates not in order?
How To Re-Submit STP To ATO
How to rectify the error in Finance regarding special characters ?
STP Error - AddressDetailsCountryC is not Valid
How to create a reversal shift
How to include Delivery Location Name on Payslips
Salary Sacrifice within Entire OnHire
With the new SCHADS changes, would the system be able to pick up staff that has a broken shift?
How to allow Members to Claim Travel Allowance
How to view Finance Notes, after the shift has been paid
How to have Pay Levels on Invoices
How can I send Timesheets with Invoices
Why the Super Cut-off date for the current month is missing in Super reports as we are on the same date?
How to unconfirm a shift in the Finance application(Windows) using the payroll tab?
How to Edit an Invoice
How to generate STP reports ?
How to have NDIS Support Number within Rate Table
Why is the 'Verify employee details' option disabled when attempting to submit STP ?
Rate Table - Cannot be deleted
CBA (CommBank) does not accept my ABA file
How To Access & Enter Client Invoicing Terms
Why does the Payroll summary report and Gross margin by client report not match
Unmanaged Jobs Timesheet Approvals
Process for changing the bank information in the ABA file for payroll
How to Adjust the Percentage of an Addition
How to control Overriding predefined pay/invoice rates by Internal Staff?
How to show the Admin and Service Location Name on Invoices
How to view Submitted Timesheets
How to Send Credit / Debit Notes to Clients
How do I set up an ongoing deduction for a member?
How to generate employee group certificates
Why is my client not receiving invoices?
How to create work cover and pay a member
How to show the Delivery and Service Location Name on Invoices
Can you complete Payroll with a negative amount in an Addition/Deduction?
Invoice - Adding Invoice Message
How to Split Member Payment
How to export accounting client codes from finance
How to update the email sender's address to share pay slips and Invoices
How can I apply breaks at a specific part of my shift?
How to Create an Adjustment Shift?
How to Change your Default Superannuation Fund
What do I do if my Finance login expires?
How you can change the Invoice Billing address details in Invoice?
Adding Reference Codes to Invoices via Client Cards
How to create a Credit/Debit Note
How can I tell who has updated members' bank details?
How to fix 'Bank details do not exist' Error in Finance
Why does the Payroll Tax and Payroll Summary Reports by State show different data?
How to reprint an Invoice
How to change Invoice Templates?
Why does my professional see other client financial details?
How to map allowances if you are getting the error "Allowances which are pending to map with codes provided by ATO" which doing STP.
Can invoices based on different qualifications be sent to separate email addresses for our clients who receive one invoice per qualification?
Can we edit the generated ABA file if the banking information of any of the members is wrong?
Can I send timesheets/dockets via email along with the invoices for specific clients?
How can I reverse an allowance and adjust the payslip if I accidentally paid the allowance amount to a member?
How do I delete an allowance rate from a rate table?
How to Split Invoices by Qualification
Why is there a difference in the total superannuation for the same time period in the Payroll summary report and the Super Clearing House Report?
How do I get an ABN for my members/subcontractors instead of a TFN?
What do I do if I get a Subquery Error?
How does EOH handle Subcontractors?
Will the system automatically update the superannuation rate rise in the new financial year?
What happens to employee wages paid in the new financial year for work performed in the previous financial year?
Can I regenerate the EFT file if the Single Touch Payroll (STP) has already been sent off last week?
FAQ: How to configure paid parental leave?
FAQ: How to make minor changes to awards for specific clients?
How to Add a New Industry/Business Arm Under the Same ABN
Can I change the order of my invoices?
FAQ: How to add split payments for a member?
If a member has a different pay level in their profile, but the pay level selected for a shift booked in the allocation screen is different, which pay level is applied in the Confirm Shift section?
Where to check Payroll tax and Superannuation totals within a selected time frame?
Why wont entire finance accept emails with '+' signs in it?
Why are the payslips and invoices opening with Adobe when they used to open with edge.
How to access all payslips for a single member?
Is there a way to automatically process shifts with a minimal discrepancy from the booking?
Why can I not see certain tabs/options in the finance portal?
If I select the 'Validate Pay' option for a shift or a zero pay run, will the shift details still be available on the invoice when I select that shift for invoicing?
When I change rate table does it affect shifts already booked in the system?
How are subcontractors reported in STP?
How can I exclude my allowances from automatically appearing for a shift in the confirm shift section?
Am I able to set period blocks for my member's timesheet submissions?
My payslips have come through with 2 for each member for the one week, how do I fix this?
How can I delete a completed Invoice?
How can I increase the tax bracket for a Working Holiday Maker?
See more
How to mandate supervisor sign during timesheet submission?
Title - Spacing/Double Spacing Issue in Job Post
How can I expire my SEEK job early?
How to move an applicant out of never-employ
What's the difference between Onhold and On Hold?
How can I change the assigned recruiter once the interview is scheduled for the applicant?
What does the status 'Proceeding' mean against an Applicant?
How the system restricts duplicate applications
Can I Delete an Applicant?
How to view Members that have applied for a Job Placement
What is the difference between the application status 'Onhold' and 'On Hold'?
What is re-enrollment and how should it be handled?
What sections of the Registrations section of the personnel card can I edit?
See more
Why has my Employee ID numbers changed?
How to upload Documents via their Personnel Card
How to create a New Member
Can Members respond back to texts sent from Entire?
How to upload a photo against an Applicant/Member
Why are some members not appearing in my Been B4 searches under delivery locations?
Why does the Period Ending Date gets locked/Greyed out on the Invoice Processing Screen?
Why am I getting an error message saying "declined" when trying to accept a shift?
How do I set to release shifts to the state instead of across the nation for a client?
Why are members, who are not complaint with expertise, showing up in my search.
How to make a booking note for a shift.
What is a Member Card?
What is the difference between Broadcast and Release Shifts
Duplicate Employment Notes - Why?
How to Reactivate a Member who is Suspended/Inactive/terminated
How to Access Client Details Within Allocations
I have created a service location in the system, why is it not showing?
Why can I not appoint a Member to a Shift?
SMS Background Turns into Blue if the member has already been contacted
Why I am unable to see the Permanent availability for the member ?
How to change Clients Location Type and move Service Locations
How to decline a shift on behalf of member.
How to create duplicate shifts?
How many characters does 1 SMS credit use?
Why is a member's name shown in orange?
Why does this person's expiry check show when it's not expired?
How to Remove Member/s From a Shift
How to Access Member Details Within Allocations
How do I remove Members in a Release Shift?
Why is my Allocations screen running so slow?
How to appoint member for single and multiple shifts
Can I relocate my delivery to a service location?
Why No AM shift after an NS shift
How can I find out who added or updated the banking details of a member?
Why is the Allocations padlock suddenly orange?
When the expiry batch program gets activated on my site, will my members be suspended they don't have that document in their profile.
How were two members booked into the same shift?
How can I see all shifts that are available to a member?
How can I quick edit member and client notes without going into their profiles?
How can I change what name appears when our team sends an SMS?
What does the error "Failed (requested entity was not found)" mean on the staff portal after sending push notifications to members?
See more
How to pull a report on the First and Last Shift worked for a member
How do I export a current booking report with total hours included?
How can I get my Mac to export reports into excel automatically.
Why can I see random letters in the Availability Report?
How to bulk download active Clients, Members and Bookings data
Why does the Staff Performance and Daily Booking Report never match?
How to pull a report for shift status 'Member Compensate'.
How to pull a report on all Client Relationship Managers?
FAQ: Can I Report On/Recover Deleted Shifts?
Why have my reports greyed out and I am unable to select anything?
See more
How can I hide inactive client locations?
Why can my client not see any qualifications when trying to book a shift in the client portal 2.0?
How can I add compliance rules for a single delivery location?
How can I add compliance rules for a single service location?
How do I edit a service/delivery location name?
See more
Do I have to unlink Professionals before making Inactive?
How to search for Clients
Can clients automatically see any shift changes in the Client Portal 2.0?
FAQ: How to attach documents to clients and prompt members to view them?
How can I expire my Broadbean job early?
Why can I not post to Broadbean
How to change the Head office address on the invoice ?
How to update the phone number in the invoice?
How do I update my street address in invoices and payslips?
How does NDIS Rostering and Invoicing work in Entire OnHire
Can policies apply to certain Qualifications?
How to make my excel spreadsheet save as a .xlsx file
Can a member pick up shifts if they are booked for an unmanaged job?
FAQ - Advanced Infection Control
How to use the contact log to communicate with other internal teams.
Default User Access Permissions in the System
How to make a new user for Xeople Sign?
How to embed your application page anywhere
Accessing and setting up your Sendgrid email account
How to Compress Images?
How to end a User Session
Entire speed - Execution time
How to change your default PDF application
Do we have an integration with Phocus?
Recommended steps for introducing a new company policy
How to Update Help Centre Contact Details in the Staff Portal?
How to check what all mandatory information is missing in members and clients profiles?
How can I create a new Contact Log Type?
How to flag a document for the expiry program
Can I use Entire Staff Portal and Apps outside Australia?
Why do I have a 'Not Enough Memory' error?
Can we have Customer ID on Delivery Locations
Why do I need to select a primary qualification?
Can we Edit/Log Notes via the Contact Log regarding Tasks?
How do licenses work with Entire OnHire?
How to correct 401 Access Denied Error
What is Deadlock?
What does PWKDY mean?
How do I clear my Cache?
Can you change the text size in the system?
How to send Login Details for Mobile App
How to Turn off Simple Sign-in feature/FaceID- Members App
How To Add SMS Credits
How do I create a user with the role of 'Manager' for selection when creating reporting offices?
What do I do if I have issues with SPF/Whitelisting Emails?
How to access and edit a client profile
How to create a activity Alert in Sendgrid for blocks/bounces
How do I clear data (cache) for the WorkForce app on my Android?
How to Bulk Contact Professionals
Tips for Efficiently Reducing File Size
What does the column "Last" Take into consideration?
How to update your member app links to Facebook, Blog, Instagram, YouTube and Twitter.
Accessing SendGrid and Managing Emails Sent from EOH
Resetting your Brave Browser Setting
ID printer compatible with Entire OnHire
Why is an Australian citizen coming up with an invalid Visa error?
Understanding Webhooks: Automating Data Delivery and System Updates
FAQ: How to Tailor Referee Feedback Page by Qualification?
Is it possible to have a different mobile number attached to SMS's coming from 1 office?
Why is an Entire User not appearing as an option for a Reporting Office?
What should I do if the passport does not exist when completing a VEVO check?
How To Check SMS Credits
What IP address does the client need to share with their internal client for ShiftMatch/Cascom IP whitelisting purposes?
How do I know what documents will be activated in the Expiry Batch Program
How can I check what my company code is?
Why are my SMS's not sending?
Can I reschedule my system maintenance?
How can I limit my employee's maximum worked hours?
How can I stop my members picking up an AM shift after an NS shift?
How can I bulk add or remove an infection from shifts in the system?
How can I bulk notify users of a new infection or removed infection?
How can I get professionals to sign documents via the system?
Can I send documents to members to sign and record them against their profile?
What address does the Check-in/Check-out go off for the clients address?
How do I make a break time automatically appear on the workforce app for a member?
What do I do if my Entire system is running slow?
Is there a way to track my employee's leave and other accruals?
Why does my staff portal log me out after a while of not using it?
What external softwares can Entire OnHire integrate with?
See more
What is a Beta Client?
What are the criteria for becoming a Beta Client?
Why do Beta Clients get things first?
Why join the Entire OnHire Beta Program?