How to use the contact log to communicate with other internal teams.
Please follow the following steps on how to use the contact log to set tasks and communicate to other internal staff members for handover information for after hours.
Access the Contact Log -
Add the user type as Staff and select the person you want to add the handover task to -
Add log -
This is what will come up.
Fill out all your information required. -
Reason of Contact | The Reason you are contacting the staff - These Reasons can be added in Masters. |
Contact Method | How you want to contact the Staff |
Log Type | This should be marked as Internal Log |
Contact Outcome | Where you can mark if the log was successful or unsuccessful |
Notes | Any Notes to be added |
Email Template | Where to add in any email that needs to be added |
Comments | Comments to make |
Tasks | Tasks that you would like to add for the other staff |
Tasks List | Where the tasks you assign will sit |
Contact to | Who you have chosen the tasks to be assigned to |
Contact Email ID | Email of the contact |
CC | Anyone you want to CC in |
See below what your contact log will look like after you have completed this.
These tasks will sit up the top of your screen under Incomplete Tasks for you and for the staff you have assigned to complete the tasks -