Leave Management

What are Onboarding and Exit Employee Formalities?



The Onboarding and Exit Employee Formalities page provides information on the onboarding and exit procedures for members. The member's Name, Qualification(s), and Employment Type are shown and displays five tabs:

  • Configure Pay - shows the member's current employment details
  • Configure Leave Entitlements - shows the active leave categories aligned with the member's employee type defined in the Leave Category master settings
  • View Earning - shows the member's earnings for the selected financial year
  • Outstanding Pay Details - shows the outstanding payment information, yet to be processed for the member
  • Employment Experience Statement - assists in generating a formal statement by the employer to confirm the duration an employee has been with the company


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:speaking_head:  Important: The Configure Leave Entitlements tab is visible only if the Leave
       Management flag is turned 'ON' with additional settings in the Configure Pay tab.

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