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What is an Employment Experience Statement?

The Employment Experience Statement assists in generating a formal statement by the employer to confirm the duration an employee has been with the company and the knowledge, skills, and experience they have acquired.

You have the option to customize the template using the available placeholders. You can upload the statement in the .txt format and download the statement in PDF format.


1. Upload a file to extract its content below

You can upload a .txt file by clicking on the Upload a file icon (as highlighted in the figure) and the uploaded .txt file will be available in the text editor for editing. Note that the file format should be .txt with a file size max. upto 1 MB.

2. Placeholders

Use the placeholders to insert the dynamic values in the statement document. You can Copy, Tap, or Drag & Drop dynamic placeholder values from the available list wherever required in the text editor. To search the required placeholder:

  1. Type the keyword in the search bar and drag & drop the placeholder into the text editor area
  2. Place the cursor in the text editor area and select placeholder from the drop down list. Alternatively, you can also search keywords by typing in the search bar.


The details of the placeholder list are explained below.

Placeholder Name



Logo of the company.


Name of the Agency.


Signature of the Authorised Person.


Current Date.


Member id of the member.


Employee Id of the member.


First Name of the member.


Last Name of the member.


Email Id of the member.


Mobile number of the member.


Hire date and termination date of the member i.e. [hiredate] to [termination/inactive/suspended date].


Primary Qualification of the member.


Expertise of the member. 


Employment Worked Hours of the member.

The hours are calculated from the employee hire date up to the present time for booked shifts and submitted timesheets (excluding break minutes).


Total Shifts Done by the member.

The shifts are calculated from the hire date up to the present time for booked shifts and submitted timesheets (excluding break minutes).


Employment Type of the member.


Salary of the member.


Salary Unit of the member.


Hire Date of the member.


Termination Date of the member. 


Member's Employment Status. For example, Active, Inactive.


YTD Gross for the current FY.


Last Shift Activity of the member.


YTD Super for the current FY.


YTD Tax for the current FY.


YTD Net for the current FY.


Office manager for the member.

Note that the Relationship Manager is retrieved from the Master → Reporting Office.

3. Preview

When the document statement is ready, click Preview to review the final file. The preview mode will display the placeholders filled with the actual data as shown in the figure below. 

If the Authorised Signatory is included, the signature will be shown alongside the date and timestamp. You can download or print the final document statement in the PDF format.

EES- Preview

4. Save

On uploading the new .txt file or customising the existing statement, click Save to finalize the changes for the selected member. On saving the file, the PDF file is generated with the file name 'Employment_Experience_Statement_(member id)'. This file is now available for download.

Ensure to save all the changes in this tab, otherwise an alert message will be displayed. 

5. Download

Click Download icon to download and view the statement document in PDF format.

6. Send Email 

Click the Send Email to distribute the statement document via email. For details refer to the What are View Earnings? article. 

Employment Experience Statement- Email7. Attach and Save Document in Member Document Area

You can save and attach this statement document to the member's profile for easy access. Select the Document Category and Document from the drop down.


On clicking Save, this document will be stored under the specified category in the member document section as shown in the figure below.

If the Staff chooses to select new Document Category/ Document for the document statement, it will be saved in the new Category/Document Name. However, choosing the same Document Category/ Document will replace the existing document in the member document section.


8. Authorised Signature

To add the Authorised Signature, click Add Authorised Signature and the Authorised Signature pop up opens.

You can Draw Signature or Upload Signature and click Add and the Authorised Signature will be added successfully to the file. To remove the Signature, click the Clear.

Authorised Signatory

Please note that the Authorised Signatory added is not stored in the database.

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