Leave Management

Leave Management


The Leave Management is designed to efficiently process employee leave requests, manage the repository of leave categories, accurately track leave balances, and ensure adherence to labour laws and company policies. The system accurately accrues and processes leave requests in the system. Necessary validations are implemented to ensure accurate processing of the final leave details for each member in the system.

The key features of Leave Management are listed below:

  • Manages the repository of Leave Categories along with the associated Earnings Category for the Full Time, Part Time, and Casual employees
  • Availability of preset configurations for each existing Leave Category that can be personalised. The available Leave Categories are Annual Leave, Annual Leave - Fixed Hours, Personal/ Carer's Leave, Personal/ Carer's Leave - Fixed Hours, Compassionate Leave – Paid, Paid Parental Leave, Leave Without Pay, and Family and Domestic Violence – Paid 
  • New settings are introduced in the Application Settings of the Staff Portal for the Leave Management to define Standard Work Week Hours, and Primary Payrun Week Ending Day 
  • Detailed Onboarding and Exit Employee Formalities of the member. This entails:
    • Configure Pay - shows the member's current employment details
    • Configure Leave Entitlements - shows the active leave categories aligned with the member's employee type defined in the Leave Category master settings
    • View Earning - shows the member's earnings for the selected financial year
    • Outstanding Pay Details - shows the outstanding payment information, yet to be processed for the member
    • Employment Experience Statement - assists in generating a formal statement by the employer to confirm the duration an employee has been with the company
  • Internal staff can submit a leave request for a member and can either approve or reject it. The Leave Status can be Approved, Rejected, Payroll Processed, and Payroll Pending
  • The Leave Details of the member are displayed on the Payslip and are configurable by using the settings in the masters


:dart: Main Articles

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:speaking_head:  Read all the Main Articles to deep-dive into each feature of Leave Management.