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How are Leave Accrued in Finance?

The listed below cases explain how the leave accrual works in the Finance application:

Case 1:

If the Accrue Leave is turned ON and the Earning Category selected is 'Accrue Fixed hour per primary pay run'.

The leave accrual calculation is determined by the leave accrual units assigned to the member in the Configure Leave Entitlements tab of the Staff Portal, considering the member's pay frequency and primary payrun day.      

Case 2:

If the Accrue Leave is turned OFF. No leave accrual is applicable for the Earning Category.

Case 2 - Leave Accrual Formula - Accrue Leave OFF-2

Case 3:

If the Accrue Leave is turned ON and the Earning Category selected is 'Accrue hours per hour worked'.

Here the leave accrual calculation is determined by the leave accrual units assigned to the member for the selected leave category which is multiplied by [ordinary worked hours (total hours in a pay run - break mins) (no overtime shifts hours) in the pay run + hours processed for the requested paid leave in the pay run].

The below figure shows the shift with Worked hours = 4 hrs with two overtime.

Case 3 - Leave Accrual Formula - Accrue Leave ON- EC Hours per hour worked-1

Example 1:

If a member has worked 4 hours (minus overtime), Paid Leave = YES, Leave Request = 7.6, the leave accrual units will be calculated as per the above formula → Worked Hour(4) + Leave Request (7.6) x Accrual Units (0.07692) = 0.89227 

Case 3 - Leave Accrual Formula - Accrue Leave ON- EC Hours per hour worked - case 1-2

Example 2:

If a member has worked 4 hours (minus overtime), Paid Leave = NO,  the leave accrual units will be calculated as per the above formula → Worked Hour(4)  x Accrual Units (0.07692) = 0.30768.

Case 3 - Leave Accrual Formula - Accrue Leave ON- EC Hours per hour worked - case 2-3

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