Leave Management

What is New Addition - Leave Applicable for Encashment?

A new field Type: Leave applicable for encashment is added in the Additions and Deductions masters of the Finance application. This drop down is enabled when the Type selected is Additions.

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When the Encashable setting is enabled in the Outstanding Encashable Leaves section of the Outstanding Pay Details tab (Onboarding and Exit Employee Formalities) of the Staff Portal, selecting the Encashment Type displays the Mapped Addition (as mapped in this  Type:  Leave applicable for encashment field above). Note that the Encashment Type can be mapped with one Addition at a time.

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On mapping the Addition, the selected value is shown in the Leave applicable for encashment as shown in the figure below. 

Leave Applicable for Encashment Finance

List of Additions for Leave Encashment Type along with the corresponding STP codes.

Type: Leave applicable for encashment

STP Code to be Mapped

Annual Leave Loading (standard) Leave type 'O'
Annual Leave Cashed Out in Service

Paid leave type 'C'
(Cash out leave in service)

Annual Leave Paid on Normal Termination

Paid leave type 'U' 
(Unused leave on termination accrued after 17 August 1993)

Annual leave paid on termination for genuine redundancy, invalidity, or early retirement scheme reasons

Lump sum A, type code R
(Paid on termination for genuine redundancy, invalidity, or early retirement scheme reasons accrued after 17 August 1993)

Personal leave cashed out in service

Paid leave type 'C'
(Cash out of leave in service)

Annual leave taken

Leave type 'O'

(similarly mapped as per existing annual leave)

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