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What are the Highlighting Features of the Staff Preferences?

The highlighting features available on the Staff Preferences page:

  1. The preferences/restrictions are graphically represented and show the following details:

 2. The Member Name shows the list of the members who have worked for (been before  
      personnel) the selected location. On clicking the member name, the personnel card of
 member opens.


3. The Status of the member is graphically shown and indicates:

For a single preference/restriction for the member, clicking the edit icon will open the ‘Edit Personnel Requests(s) (Preference for Work / Restriction)’ screen.

For multiple preferences/restrictions for the member, clicking the edit icon will open the ‘Client Request(s) for Staff’ screen. This screen will have all the preferences/restrictions for the member.

4. In the Service Location, select the required Service Location to check Staff Preferences. By
    default, the Service location is selected in case the professional is linked with a single client.

5. The Delivery Location shows the list of available Delivery Location(s) associated with
 selected Service Location. 

6. Cancel Request will cancel single or multiple requests.


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