Bookings in the Client Portal 2.0

What are Bookings in the Client Portal 2.0?


About Bookings

The Bookings are organised in a highly requested Calendar View to manage all the upcoming and recent bookings by shift date. The bookings in the Calendar View provide a comprehensive view showing the current Shift Category/ Status of each shift. It allows swift creation of shifts and mobile friendly management of bookings to allow seamless updates with peace of mind and inbuilt compliance features.

You can edit all the existing bookings by clicking the required Calendar date. The Booking Shift Categories by default are shown as Completed, Open, Pending Agency, and Pending Client with customised color for each category. You can create your own customised Booking Shift Categories from the Masters with customised category colors.

You can filter the existing bookings to retrieve specific booking details based on the filter criteria provided.


:dart: Related Articles

:speaking_head:  Read all the features of Bookings highlighted in the list of Related Articles.

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