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Members Detail Report

The Members Detail Report allows users to search and obtain an in-depth report of member's details

When running a report there are two different report options available; Get Report and Export Members Report to Excel.

For a detailed description of each type of report please view it below.

1. Select Reports > Member Details Report

2. Select the applicable criteria for the report 

3. Choose a Report Option

Get Report  
The Get Report option allows the user to apply different filters to obtain a data set of members matching the criteria. The filter options available when running a Get Report are highlighted in the below image.
The report provides the member details in the following format:

  1. Employee ID

  2. First Name

  3. Last Name

  4. Gender

  5. Qualifications attached to Member

  6. Date of Birth

  7. Mobile Number

  8. Home Number

  9. Date of Employment

  10. Employment status

  11. Email

Export Report to Excel
The Export Members Report to Excel is a data extract report that downloads an excel file directly to the computer and includes most fields that are available within the report options provided.

Please note: This is a different setting to the rest of the report within the system as it can be a great tool when analysing members data as it allows you to apply filters within the data set without the need to run a report each time.

By selecting the filter option you are able to sort alphabetically or by text options as shown below.