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Main Masters - Bank BSB and Names

A Bank State Branch or commonly known as a BSB is a 6 digit code branch identifier.

Over time new banks are opened and some are closed, due to this BSB codes are frequently changing. Entire OnHire has access to view, edit and inactive BSBs within your system masters to assist in managing these and keep your database current.

To Access Bank BSBs

To access Bank BSBs, please select: Masters > Main Masters > Banks BSB

Before creating a new BSB, it is always best to check that it's not already created.

To Search and Check a BSB

The search filters can be found directly below each column header. To search for an existing BSB, please enter the 6-digit code under the BSB column.

If the BSB is:

  • Showing in Masters but not for Members/Applicants - Check the status column as it may be inactive. If inactive, you will need to edit the BSB entry.
  • Not showing in Masters - You will need to create the BSB in Masters. Before creating a BSB, it is recommended to check the details via a website such as
To Edit a BSB

Please select the pencil icon directly next to the BSB to edit.

In the case where a BSB is inactive, click on the drop-down option for status. Once changed to active, select the green tick to save.

To Create a New BSB

Select "Add new Bank." The entry screen will appear, and you need to enter data for all the mandatory fields marked with a red * (BSB, Bank Name, and State). To save, click on the green tick.

If you want to add multiple BSBs for the same bank, you can use the additional fields to add these at the same time.

Please note, do not add in the suburb when adding multiple BSBs simultaneously.