Bookings in the Client Portal 2.0

How to View Booking Details?

When the bookings exist for a particular date, tap on the date, and all the bookings are loaded below the Calendar view. On scrolling down the page, the selected day’s shifts are displayed with the Total Shift(s) Matched, Edit All Bookings, and Refresh buttons. You can click Edit All Bookings to edit the shift details and click Refresh to fetch the updated data.

Each shift booking shows all the available shift details with the applicable action required. Note that you can view/edit a single booking at a time.

Based on the Shift Status/ Shift Category of the shift, the member card shows the details explained below.


Field Name



Shows the shift categories such as Completed, Open, Pending Client, or Pending Agency (as defined in Bookings Calendar Categories Master Settings).


The Status can be Member Accepted, Member Decline, Member Removed, Member Pulled Out, Member Offered, Member Assigned, Member Broadcast, Shift Release, Shift Booked, Timesheet Submitted, Client Confirmed, Client Proposed, and Shift Entered.


Shows the Start and End Time of the shift.

Shift Type

Shift Type of the member based on the Service Location selected.


Qualification is required for the shift.


Expertise based on the Qualification selected.

Member Name

Name of the active member.

Profile Picture

Profile picture of the member.

On tap, the profile picture, the member card opens.

Timesheet Icon

Shows the Timesheet icon, in case Timesheet Snap exists for the completed shift.

On tapping the Timesheet icon, the timesheet will open and the user can view and download the timesheet submitted.

Action Icon

Edit, View, Cancel, and Accept Personnel icons are displayed based on the Shift Status. For details about Shift Status with required actions, click the link here. 

NOTE: The Cancel icon will be visible based on Shift Status.

The Shift Worth Value icon appears based on the flag settings in Master ‘Show Shift Value: Allow Clients to view the total estimated shift value in Bookings'. If the flag is set to ‘YES’, the Shift Worth Value is visible for the shift.

On clicking the Shift Worth Value icon, the Estimated Shift Value pop-up opens and shows the Total Estimated Shift Value.

Booking Ratio

Shows the Booking Ratio for the booked shifts in case of multi-bookings.


Shift Document Icon

Shows the Shift Documents uploaded for the booked shift.

The Shift Documents can be viewed, downloaded, and deleted.

Notes Icon

Shows the available Notes for the Booked Shift. Click the Notes icon to view details.

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