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How to Configure Client Dashboard Settings?

In the Configure Client Dashboard tab, the settings to configure the client dashboard are defined to manage the sections that will be available in the client portal dashboard with access defined to Clients/Professionals.

The Last Updated By shows the name of the user who last updated the setting and the Last Updated On shows the last updated date and time of the setting.

How to Update Configure Client Dashboard Settings?

To update the Configure Client Dashboard settings:

  • Click the Edit action icon as shown in the figure below and the Configure Client Dashboard pop-up window opens in edit mode

  •  Update all the required details and click Update 

Field Name


Display Order

To define the order of the section visibility in the client dashboard.

Section Name

Name of the section visible in the client dashboard.

Section Keyword

Show the provided section keyword and the keyword cannot be configured.

Access to Client

To provide access to the client for this menu with the flag set to ‘YES’.

Access to Professionals

To provide access to the selected professional for this menu. The professional type list includes Bank, Executive Manager, Finance, Management, and Staff.

  • The professionals not selected from the available professional type list will not be able to access this menu.

  • If no professional type is selected and the access to Show to Professionals flag is set to ‘YES’, this menu will be accessible to all the professional types.

  • If the Show to Professionals flag is set to ‘NO’, none of the professionals will be able to access the menu.

Select Professional Type

Select the Professional Type from the available list when the ‘Access to Professionals’ is set to YES.



Set the menu as Active/Inactive. Active indicates that this menu will be visible to clients and professionals based on their set access.