How are Shift Details Processed in the Staff Portal?
How to Classify Sleepover Shift Type Flag in Allocation Master?
How to Add Shift Details in a Single Booking for a Sleepover Shift?
How to Add Shift Details in a Single Booking for an Active Shift?
How to Edit Shift Details in a Single Booking for a Sleepover/ Active Shift?
How to Create a Shift with Additional Shift Details using the Same Day Duplicate Shift and Next Day Duplicate Shift Options?
How to Add Shift Details in a Multi Booking for a Sleepover Shift?
How to Add Shift Details in a Multi Booking for an Active Shift?
How to View Timesheet Image in Additional Shift Details?
What are the New Application Settings for Sleepover and Allowance Details?
How are Shift Details Processed in the Staff Portal?
In the Staff Portal, the additional shift details including Travel, Allowances, Active Worked Hours, Sleepover Hours, On-Call, Meal Breaks, and Other details are managed for both single and multi-bookings of active and sleepover shifts.
You can classify the default Sleepover Shift Type in the Members Master.
You can set New Application Settings for Sleepover and Allowance Details in the Old Client Portal, as well as nominate Shift Type for Other Additional Details in the Finance Portal.
How to Classify Sleepover Shift Type Flag in Allocation Master?
A new flag, 'Is this a Sleepover Shift Type?', is introduced in the Member Shifts Master to ensure that the system accurately classifies the member's Sleepover Shifts. This flag can be selected for a single shift type within the same Client.
To set the Sleepover Shift Type flag in the Add/Update Allocation Shifts of the Members Shifts Master, select the new flag Is this a Sleepover Shift Type? checkbox as shown in the figure below.
When the 'Is this a Sleepover Shift Type?' flag is selected, the value is updated to 'Yes' in the new column labeled 'Is this a Sleepover Shift Type?' in the Members Shifts Master page.
How to Add Shift Details in a Single Booking for a Sleepover Shift?
In the Quick New Shift Booking, the Sleepover/Passive Shift? flag as a toggle button is introduced to indicate whether the shift is a sleepover shift. This flag is set to OFF by default.
When this flag is turned ON to create the sleepover shift, the Service Location is selected. The Shift Type marked as a sleepover shift in the Member Shifts Master will be automatically selected and displayed in read-only mode. The shift shows the selected Sleepover Start Time, Sleepover End Time, and Booking Notes as 'Sleepover Shift' for the sleepover shift.
Note that a validation message will appear if the 'Sleepover/Passive Shift' flag is ON and no shift is nominated as the sleepover shift for the selected Service Location in the Member Shifts Master. You must nominate the shift as the sleepover shift in the Member Shifts Master.
Additional Shift Details in Single Booking Shift
You can add details to the new shift booking for Travel, Allowances, Active Worked Hours (in case of sleepover shift), Sleepover Hours (in case of active shift), On-Call, Meal Breaks, and Other details.
Click the details you want to add to the shift booking and the Additional Shift Details screen opens.
Travel Details
To add Travel Details while creating the shift:
- Click Add Travel Details
- Provide all the required details
- Click the tick to save and the number of Travel Details is displayed next to the tab
Field Name |
Description |
Travel Type |
Select the Travel Type as 'Enter Journey Addresses', 'Booked Client Locations Address', and 'Enter Total Distance Travelled for a day'.
Travel Start Location |
Provide the start location using the 'Enter Journey Addresses' option. |
Travel End Location | Provide the end location using the 'Enter Journey Addresses' option. |
Distance (KM) |
Notes |
Provide any applicable Notes for the selected Travel Details. It is mandatory to add notes for the 'Enter Total Distance Travelled for a Day' option. |
Action | To Create, Edit, or Delete the Travel Details. |
The Google API automatically calculates the distance between the Travel Start and End Locations (similar to the Member App) and this is a paid service provided by Google.
- Click the
tick icon to add a new Travel Detail
- Click the
edit icon to modify the Travel Detail
- Click the
delete icon to delete Travel Detail. On clicking the delete icon, a confirmation message appears
To add Allowance while creating the shift:
- Click Add Allowance
- Provide all the required details
- Click the tick to save and the number of Allowances is displayed next to the tab
You are allowed to add a maximum of three Allowances.
Field Name |
Description |
Allowance |
Select the available Allowance. The active Allowances with the 'Show in App' checkbox selected in the Allowance Master of the Finance Portal will appear in the Allowance dropdown. |
Notes | Provide any applicable Notes for the selected Allowance. |
Action | To Create, Edit, or Delete the Allowances. |
- Click the
tick icon to add a new Allowance
- Click the
edit icon to modify the Allowance
- Click the
delete icon to delete Allowance. On clicking the delete icon a confirmation message appears
Other Details
You can add Active Worked Hours, Paid Meal Breaks, Unpaid Meal Breaks, On-Call, and Other details in the Other Details. To add Other Details while creating the shift:
- Click Add Other Detail
- Provide all the required details
- Click the tick to save, and the number of Other Details is displayed next to the tab
You are allowed to add a maximum of three Other Details.
Field Name |
Description |
Work Type |
Select the Work Type as Active Worked Hours, Paid Meal Breaks, Unpaid Meal Breaks, On-Call, and Other. |
Start Date/Time |
Start date and time of the selected Work Type. The date and time selected must align with the shift's start time. |
End Date/Time |
End date and time of the selected Work Type. The date and time selected must align with the end time of the shift. |
Duration(hh:mm) |
Based on the selected start and end times, the Duration of the selected Work Type is automatically calculated and displayed in a read-only mode in hh:mm format. If the shift duration extends past midnight, the next day can be selected as the Start/ End Date; otherwise, this selection will not be allowed. |
Notes | Provide any applicable Notes for the selected Work Type. |
Action | To Create, Edit, or Delete Other Details. |
- Click the
tick icon to add Other Details
- Click the
edit icon to modify Other Details
- Click the
delete icon to delete Other Details. On clicking the delete icon a confirmation message appears
Upon exiting the Additional Shift Details screen, the details of the Travel, Allowances, Active Worked Hours, On-Call, Meal Breaks, and Other are added for the shift. Once the shift is confirmed, the additional shift details are saved against the shift.
The additional details provided by the Staff will be indicated by a green tick, as shown in the figure below.
How to Add Shift Details in a Single Booking for an Active Shift?
When you create a Quick New Shift Booking with the Sleepover/Passive Shift flag set to OFF, you can include additional details for the active shift.
In the Additional Shift Details section, you can specify Travel, Allowances, Sleepover Hours, On-Call, Meal Breaks, and Other relevant information, as explained in the Sleepover Shifts section above. But instead of Active Worked Hours, you can add Sleepover Hours details as shown in the figure below.
Sleepover Hours
To add Sleepover Hours while creating the shift:
- Click Add Sleepover Details
- Provide Start Time, End Time, and Duration is calculated automatically
- Provide Notes
- Click the tick to save and the number of Sleepover Hours is displayed next to the tab
You are allowed to add a maximum of three Sleepover Hours/ Other Details.
You can Edit and Delete the existing Sleepover Hours using the edit and delete icons.
Upon exiting the Additional Shift Details screen, the details of the Sleepover Hours are saved for the shift. Once the shift is confirmed, the additional shift details are saved against the shift.
Note that during the Quick New Shift Booking process:
- If you have added the additional shift details, you cannot assign multiple members to this shift
- If you have added multiple members to the shift, you are not allowed to add the additional shift details to this shift
- If you have added additional shift details, you are not allowed to reset Sleepover/ Passive Shift? flag to ON/OFF. To reset this flag, you need to delete the additional shift details.
How to Edit Shift Details in a Single Booking for a Sleepover/ Active Shift?
In the Edit Shift, the Additional Shift Details for Travel, Allowances, Active Worked Hours, On-Call, Meal Breaks, and Other are displayed and available for editing for the Sleepover Shift.
Upon exiting the Additional Shift Details screen, the details of the Travel, Allowances, Active Worked Hours, On-Call, Meal Breaks, and Other are updated for the shift. Once the shift is confirmed, the additional shift details are saved against the shift.
The additional details provided by the Staff will be indicated by a green tick, as shown in the figure below.
Similarly, you can Edit Shift Details in a Single Booking for Active Shift. But instead of Active Worked Hours, you need to specify Sleepover Hours details as shown in the figure below.
Note that the Additional Shift Details will not be visible in case of a shift with multiple members.
How to Create a Shift with Additional Shift Details using the Same Day Duplicate Shift and Next Day Duplicate Shift Options?
The shift with the Additional Shift Details can be created using the Same Day Duplicate Shift and Next Day Duplicate Shift options. To proceed, select the shift with the Additional Shift Details, and right-click to choose either the 'Same Day Duplicate Shift' or 'Next Day Duplicate Shift', as shown in the figure below.
How to Add Shift Details in a Multi Booking for a Sleepover Shift?
Similarly, in the Multi Booking the Sleepover/Passive Shift flag as a toggle button is introduced to indicate whether the shift is a sleepover shift. This flag is set to OFF by default.
When this flag is turned ON and the Service Location is selected, the Shift Type marked as a sleepover shift in the Member Shifts Master will automatically be selected and displayed in read-only mode. The shift displays the selected Sleepover Start Time, Sleepover End Time, and Booking Notes as 'Sleepover Shift' for the sleepover shift.
Note that a validation message will appear if the 'Sleepover/Passive Shift' flag is ON and no shift is nominated as the sleepover shift for the selected Service Location in the Member Shifts Master. You must nominate the shift as the sleepover shift in the Member Shifts Master.
Additional Shift Details in Multi Booking
You can add details to the new multi booking shifts for Travel, Allowances, Active Worked Hours (in case of sleepover shift), Sleepover Hours (in case of active shift), On-Call, Meal Breaks, and Other as explained in Quick New Shift Booking above. You can click the shift details you want to add to the shift and the Additional Shift Details screen opens.
When creating a multi booking shift for a specified Period Date (with a date range of 14 days or fewer), all additional shift details entered will be consistently applied to each shift generated.
If the selected Period Date range exceeds 14 days, the Additional Details options will be disabled, preventing any shift details input as shown in the figure below.
Also, if Additional Details are added to the shift and you select the Period Date checkbox, all previously entered details will be cleared, and a confirmation message will appear. By clicking OK, you will confirm removing all additional details; otherwise, click Cancel.
It is important to note that in Multi Booking:
- The additional details entered for the shift will not be applied to any other shifts created using the Re Occurrence option
- The shifts with additional details cannot be added to the Add Shift(s) to list option
How to Add Shift Details in a Multi Booking for an Active Shift?
When you create the Multi Booking with the Sleepover/Passive Shift flag set to OFF, you can include additional details for the shift.
In the Additional Shift Details section, you can specify Travel, Allowances, Sleepover Hours, On-Call, Meal Breaks, and Other details, as explained in the section on Sleepover Shifts above. But instead of Active Worked Hours, you need to specify Sleepover Hours details as shown in the figure below.
How to View Timesheet Image in Additional Shift Details?
The Additional Shift Details show the Service Location, Delivery Location, Shift Date, Shift Type, Shift Start, Shift End, Member, and Timesheet Number. The Timesheet Number with the link to the timesheet image is displayed when the member has submitted the timesheet.
On clicking the timesheet number, the timesheet image opens including all the details provided in the Additional Shift Details with the status of the timesheet. You can also download the timesheet image.
What are the New Application Settings for Sleepover and Allowance Details?
New Shift Allowance and Sleepover/Other Details Settings
New settings for Shift Allowance and Sleepover/Other Details are added in the Personnel Application Settings (Application Settings → System Configurations → Personnel Application Settings) of the Staff Portal.
For the Old Client Portal, the setting provided for the Shift Allowance and Sleepover/Other Details will apply to all the members. You can set the flag to ON for:
- Shift Allowance – This will allow members to choose their allowance when submitting their timesheets
Sleepover/Other Details – This will allow members to choose Sleepover or Other Details Hours while submitting their timesheets
On setting the flag to 'ON', select Sleepover/ Other Details Hours from the available list and the selected type will be visible to the members while submitting their timesheets.
Nominate Shift Type for Other Additional Details
A new setting Nominate Shift type for other shift worked hours durations to automate the shift splitting is added in the Finance Application Settings (Application Settings → System Configurations → Finance Application Settings) of the Staff Portal. This setting allows you to nominate the shift type for other worked hours to facilitate the automation of shift splitting processes in the finance portal while confirming shifts.
You can nominate the shift type for specific categories of hours, such as Active Worked Hours During Sleepover Shift, Paid Meal Breaks, Unpaid Meal Breaks, On-Call, or Other details to facilitate accurate shift processing in the finance system.
Select the appropriate shift type from the Nominate Shift Type dropdown to nominate the shift type for the available Other Details Hours Type.
Note that the Shift Types in the Nominate Shift Type are fetched from the Member Shifts Master.
This setting can also be configured at the global level client settings in the Client Master → Configure New Client Web App Settings → Timesheets as shown in the figure below.