X9.5 Release Notes - July 2024

9.5 - New Feature Mobile App - Shift Allowance


The Shift Allowance feature allows members to choose their allowance when submitting their timesheets via Workforce App. A shift allowance is the payment provided to members for their work during scheduled shifts.

The available shift allowances are fetched from the finance master of the Finance application.

How to Configure Shift Allowance?

You can configure the Shift Allowance in the Staff Portal at the Global and Client Level settings. The Shift Allowance configuration in the Client Level settings will override the defined settings in the Client Master Settings in case the 'Apply client-level settings' flag is set to YES.

To configure the Shift Allowance in the Client Master Settings:
  • Click Master → Client Master → Configure New Client Web App Settings → Timesheets
  • In the Timesheet tab, ensure to set the Shift Allowance flag to YES to activate it
  • Click Save and the Shift Allowance is configured for the members globally

You can set the Shift Allowance at the Client Level to overide the Client Master level settings.

To set the Shift Allowance configuration at the Client Level, click Home Profiles → Clients → Client Management → Configure Client Interface → Timesheets.


How to Select the Shift Allowance?

When the Shift Allowance option is configured at the Global or Client level settings, members can easily view the selected Shift Allowance in their timesheets via Workforce App. Note that if the Client Level settings are turned OFF, the Global Level Settings will be applied.

To add Shift Allowance in the timesheet:

  • In the Provider Additional Details (if applicable) section, tap on the Allowance as shown in the figure below


Note that the Shift Allowances are fetched from the Allowances master (Master → Payroll  → Allowances) of the Finance application when the Show in App checkbox is selected as shown in the figure below.

Allowance 7

  • Click Select the Shift Allowance(s) drop down, and the available Shift Allowance(s) are displayed for selection. Click the checkbox(es) to select the required Shift Allowance(s) from the list

Note that you cannot select more than three Shift Allowances.

  • Click Done


  • Provide the notes for the selected Shift Allowance (if any)
  • Click Save

Allowance 5-L

  • The newly added Shift Allowance(s) count is shown near the Allowance in the Timesheet screen as shown in the figure below


  • Before submitting the timesheet, the member can review the submitted Shift Allowance(s)

Allowance 4-L

How to Delete the Existing Shift Allowance?

  • You can delete the existing Shift Allowance:

    1. By deselecting the allowance checkbox and click Done 
    2. Or by swiping the allowance towards the left and a confirmation message appears, click
        Yes, delete it!





New Timesheet Image

A new format of the digital image is generated that shows the Employee Selection of Shift Allowance details.

  • The Employee Selection of Shift allowance section shows:
    • Allowance Type and Notes provided by the member when submitting their timesheet

For detailed modification in the Timesheet Image, click the link here.

Timesheet Image-Shift Allowance-3