X9.5 Release Notes - July 2024

9.5 - Enhancements - Finance Portal

Summary of Finance Application Enhancements in the latest version of the Entire OnHire application.


New Deduction: Salary Sacrifice for Other Employee Benefits 
Confirm Shift Screen - Revised Process
Rebranding of Login Page
Renamed Fields in Finance Portal
Generate Payslip - Length Range Increased in Additions
End of Year Process Option Removed in Payroll Menu

New Deduction: Salary Sacrifice for Other Employee Benefits

In the Additions and Deductions master, a new field Salary Sacrifice for Other Employee Benefits is added. When selecting the Type as Deductions, you can choose either Salary Sacrifice to Superannuation or Salary Sacrifice for Other employee benefits option at a time.

Salary Sacrifice for Other employee benefits is an effective Salary Sacrifice arrangement, entered into before the work is performed, for benefits other than for superannuation, where the sacrificed salary is permanently foregone (that is novated lease, gym membership, etc).
Salary Sacrifice for Superannuation is an effective Salary Sacrifice arrangement, entered into before the work is performed, where contributions are paid to a complying fund, where the sacrificed salary is permanently foregone. 
Salary Sacrifice

The Salary Sacrifice for Other Employee benefits tuple and Salary Sacrifice to Superannuation is created as shown in the figure below and will be mapped as 'O' and 'S' respectively in the STP report. 

Salary Sacrifice Tuple-L-2

Impact on Gross formula

STP Phase 2 – Gross Formula for Employee File

There is no change in the Employee File Gross formula except two fields are renamed in the Allowance screen as 'Appear Separately on Group Certificates' to 'Separately Itemise in STP' and 'Exclude from Gross Payment Summary' to Exclude from Gross Taxable amount in STP' respectively.

Total Shift based Value - Overtime Value + Additions which are set as "Include in Gross Taxable Amount in STP =True" in the Addition and Deduction master + Allowances Value - Allowances which are checked as "Separately Itemise in STP" in the Allowance Master - Allowances checked as "Exclude from Gross Taxable amount in STP" in the Allowance Master - Deductions amount which is as Include in Gross Taxable Amount in STP = “True” in Addition/Deduction master

STP Phase 2 –  Existing Gross Formula for Header File  

Total Shift based Value + Additions which are set as "Include in Gross Taxable Amount in STP =True" in the Addition and Deduction Master + Additions which are set as Separately Itemise in STP in Addition / Deduction Master + Allowances Value - Allowances checked as "Exclude from Gross Taxable amount in STP" in the Allowance Master - Salary Sacrifice - Deductions which is as Include in Gross Taxable Amount in STP = True in Addition/Deduction master

Updated Gross formula for Header File highlighted in bold letters

Total Shift based Value + Additions which are set as "Include in Gross Taxable Amount in STP =True" in the Addition and Deduction Master + Additions which are set as Separately Itemise in STP in Addition / Deduction Master + Allowances Value - Allowances checked as "Exclude from Gross Taxable amount in STP" in the Allowance Master - Salary Sacrifice to Superannuation - Salary sacrifice for other employee benefits - Deductions which is as Include in Gross Taxable Amount in STP = True in Addition/Deduction master

STP Reports including Salary Sacrifice

In the STP Report, the 'YTD Sal Sacrifice' is renamed to YTD Salary Sacrifice to Super and a new field is added as YTD Salary Sacrifice for Other Employee.

Both the fields are updated/ added in the Excel and PTD reports.

Salary Sacrifice Report-L-2

Confirm Shift Screen - Revised Process for Original/ Member Submitted/ Client Submitted Shifts

The revised process below explains the modification in the Confirm Shift screen while displaying  Original/ Member Submitted/ Client Submitted shifts.

Revised Process

Member Timesheet Submitted Status

Client Review Status

Finance Shift Data 
(shown by default)

Timesheet submitted without/ With discrepancy

Pending Agency Booked Shift Data

Timesheet submitted without/ With discrepancy

Approved Client Approved Data

Timesheet submitted without/ With discrepancy

(no member action)
Agency Booked Shift Data

Timesheet submitted without/ With discrepancy

(member disagreed)
Agency Booked Shift Data

Timesheet submitted without/ With discrepancy

(member agreed)
Client Disputed Data

For your reference, please refer previous process of the Original Booking/ Member Submission/ Client Submission shifts.

Previous Process

Member Timesheet Submitted Status

Client Review Status

Web Shift Data 
(shown by default)

Timesheet submitted without/with discrepancy

Pending Agency Booked Shift Data

Timesheet submitted without/with discrepancy

Approved Client Approved Data

Timesheet submitted without/ with discrepancy

(no member action)
Client Submitted Data

Timesheet submitted without/ With discrepancy

(member disagreed)
Client Submitted Data

Timesheet submitted without/ with discrepancy

(member agreed)
Client Submitted Data

In the Shift Verification screen of the member, on the mouse hover the Booking, Member Submission, and Client Submission details are shown for Start time, End time, and Break minutes as shown in the figure below.

The start time, end time, and break minutes in red color indicate discrepancies between the original booking data and the data provided by members/ clients.
Sample Figure 1:

Confirm Shifts

Sample Figure 2:

Finance - Disputed shift

Rebranding of Login Page

We are excited to announce the rebranding of our Finance Portal. You will notice that our applications now show the new login pages with the assurance that all the features and functionalities are the same.

We assure you that this rebranding will not affect your user accounts or data. You can continue to use the Finance Portal as usual and expect a similar level of quality and support from us.

Finance Rebranding 1

Rebranding Finance Portal

Renamed Fields in Finance Portal

1. Renamed Fields in Member Payroll and Payslip Manager Screen

The Tax Exempted? field is renamed to Before Tax Deduction? in the Member Module and Payslip Manager screens respectively.

  • In the Member module → Additions & Deductions tab, Tax Exempted? field is renamed to Before Tax Deduction? in the Deductions section as shown in the figure below

Renamed Tax Exempted-2

  • In the Payslip Manager, the Tax Exempted? field is renamed to Before Tax Deduction? in the Employee Deductions section as shown in the figure below

Renamed Tax Exempted 2-1

2. Renamed Fields in Allowances Master 

In the Allowances master, two fields are renamed as shown in the figure below.

  • Appear Separately on Group Certificates to Separately Itemise in STP
  • Exclude from Gross Payment Summary to Exclude from Gross Taxable amount in STP

Renamed Allowances

3. Renamed Fields in Additions Deductions

In the Additions Deductions master, renamed 'Include in Payment summary - Reportable Employer Super Contribution' to Salary Sacrifice to Superannuation.

Salary Sacrifice to Superannuation is an effective Salary Sacrifice arrangement, entered into before the work is performed, where contributions are paid to a complying fund, where the sacrificed salary is permanently foregone. 


Generate Payslip - Length Range Increased in Additions

In the Generate Payslip screen, the range for Additions ($) total has increased from 99999.99 to 9999999.99 as shown in the figure below.

Addition - Lenght-L-2 

End of Year Process Option Removed in Payroll Menu

The End of Year Process option has been removed from the Payroll menu as it is no longer a relevant feature in the Finance Portal, as shown in the figure below.

Payroll- EOY Process