X9.5 Release Notes - July 2024

9.5 - Enhancements - Staff Portal

Summary of Staff Portal Enhancements in the latest version of the Entire OnHire application.


New Field - Employee Type in Employment Status 
Process Timesheets Screen - Revised Process
Employment References Flag Based
Client Details - Claim Details Tab Removed
View Online Request Option Removed in Professionals Menu
Contact Log - Create Log Selection & Date Period Validations
Update in Bookings Settings for Client Portal
Member Visa Work Hours Restrictions for Fortnightly Settings
Contact Log - Mandatory to Select Email Template When Contact Method is 'By Email'

New Field - Employee Type in Employment Status

A new field Employee Type is added in the Employment Status page. You must select Full Time, Part Time, or Casual option from the drop down list. 


Process Timesheets Screen - Revised Process for Original Booking/ Member Submission/ Client Submission Shifts

The revised process below explains the modification in the Process Timesheets screen in the Staff portal while displaying Original Booking/ Member Submission/ Client Submission shifts.

Revised Process

Member Timesheet Submitted Status

Client Review Status

Web Shift Data 
(shown by default)

Timesheet submitted without/ with discrepancy

Pending Member Timesheet Submitted Data

Timesheet submitted without/ with discrepancy

Approved Client Approved Data

Timesheet submitted without/ with discrepancy

(no member action)
Client Disputed Data

Timesheet submitted without/ with discrepancy

(member disagreed)
Client Disputed Data

Timesheet submitted without/ with discrepancy

(member agreed)
Client Disputed Data

For your reference in the previous process, all cases specified above displayed Web Shift data as 'Member Timesheet Submitted Data' except for the case when the Timesheet submitted with discrepancy and Client Review Status as 'Approved' shows Web Shift data as 'Client Approved Data'.

In the Process Timesheets screen, on the mouse hover the Original Booking and default data are shown for Start time, End time, Break minutes, and Hrs. Worked.  

  • The start time, end time, break minutes, and worked hours will be green color if the shifts are Client Approved

Confirm Shifts 1-1

  • The start time, end time, break minutes, and worked hours in red color will indicate discrepancies between the Original Booking, Member Submission, and Client Submission. This will apply to timesheets submitted and client disputed timesheets


    • Timesheet Disputed shift showing start time, end time, and hours worked in red color to indicate time discrepancies. On mouse hover the Original Booking, Member Submission, and Client Submission discrepancy details are shown

Confirm Shifts 1 Client Disputed-1

    • Timesheet Disputed shift showing start time, break minutes, and hours worked in red color to indicate time discrepancies. On mouse hover the Original Booking, Member Submission, and Client Submission discrepancy details are shown

Confirm Shifts 1 Client Disputed 2-1

    • Pending for Client Approval shift showing start time, break minutes, and hours worked in red color to indicate time discrepancies. On mouse hover the Original Booking, Member Submission discrepancy details are shown

Confirm Shifts 1 Member Dispute-1

The downloaded Excel file of the Submitted Timesheets will show two new columns i.e. Booked Start and Booked End. The two new columns will show agency booked shift start and end times, respectively as shown in the figure below.

Confirm Shifts excel report -L-2

Shifts with Timesheet Tolerance Settings

When the timesheet tolerance setting is activated in the Client Master Settings or Client Level settings, the Submitted Timesheets in the Process Shifts screen shows:

  • If the shift Start Time and End Time fall within the acceptable time variation, the submitted timesheet will be processed and the timesheet approved by the client will display the Original Booking time as the Client Submission time as shown in the figure below

The shift tolerance applies to the shift start and end times.

Confirm Shifts - within time tolerance-1

  • If the shift Start Time and End Time do not fall within the acceptable time variation, the timesheet approved by the client will display the Member Submission time as the Client Submission time as shown in the figure below

Confirm Shifts - outside time tolerance-1

Note that the timesheet tolerance defined in the Client Level settings will override the defined settings in the Client Master settings in case the 'Apply client-level settings' flag is set to YES.

🔗Click here to refer to the Shift Tolerance Feature in the Mobile App.

Employment References Flag Based

The availability of the Employment References will be flag based now.

If the Electronic Reference flag is turned ON by the administrator, clicking the Employment References link will direct you to the Referee Portal; otherwise, the link will be inactive.

Employment References

Client Details - Claim Details Tab Removed

When the New Client Portal flag is turned OFF, the Claim Details tab will not be available in the Client Details page of the Staff Portal as shown in the figure below.

ClaimsDetails in Client Details

View Online Request Option Removed in Professionals Menu

The View Online Request option will not be available in the Profiles Professionals menu in the Staff Portal as shown in the figure below.

Professionals- View Online Requests

Contact Log - Create Log Selection & Date Period Validations

Contact Log - Date Period Validations

In the Contact Log page, you will now find a maximum date range of 31 days when creating a custom search filter for ‘Staff’ user type data. This enhancement allows you to view your search results significantly faster than before. 

If your custom date range exceeds the 31 day limit, you will receive a pop-up saying ‘You can only access contact log data for a period of 31 days’.


Contact Log/ Create Log Selection

The Contact Log/ Create Log checkbox is now selected in the following screens:

  • Recruitment: Screening popup - send SMS popup
  • Recruitment: Inbox, Callback, Left Message screen SMS & Email popup (shown below)
  • Recruitment: Review Onhold / Rejected Applications SMS & Email popup
  • Recruitment: Re-enrol SMS & Email popup
  • Recruitment: Re-enrol Screening popup send SMS popup
  • Member Employment Status screen

Update in Bookings Settings for Client Portal

In the Master → Configure New Client Web App Settings → Bookings setting, you can now choose up to 20 preferred personnel and the selected count of preferred personnel will be displayed in the New and Edit Booking. Providing '0' indicates all preferred personnel will be displayed in the New and Edit Booking.

Client Portal Settings

Similar settings are updated in the Client Specific Settings also.

Member Visa Work Hours Restrictions for Fortnightly Settings

When the visa working hours limit for the fortnight is provided in the member's Employment Details page, the system will consider the specified work entitlement hours.

Visa Changes

In case work entitlement hours are not provided in the member's profile, the work hours provided in the Application Settings (System Configuration) will be considered.

Visa Changes 2

Contact Log - Mandatory to Select Email Template When Contact Method is 'By Email'

In the Contact Log, when the Contact Method selected is 'By Email', it is now mandatory to select the required template from the Email Template drop down. Otherwise, a validation message is displayed and you will not be able to proceed.

Contact Log-1