Leave Management

What is Leave Management in Finance?

The Leave Management features are visible in the Finance Portal once the Leave Management flag is turned 'ON' in the Staff Portal. Please note that Leave Management is specifically applicable to the main branch.

For the Leave Management feature in the Finance application:

  • Two new checkboxes are introduced in the Payslips Manager screen. The checkboxes are checked/ unchecked based on the Primary Payrun Week Ending Day in the Finance Application Settings of the Staff Portal and the Week Ending Pay Date selected in the Payroll Frequency of the Finance application. Refer to details in the New Finance Application Settings
  1. Process assigned Member's requested leave for leave balance finalisation
  2. Accrue Member's leave for current pay whose leave accrual is set as fixed hours per primary run
  3. The system displays the Primary Payrun Day or Non Primary Payrun Day content in Orange color based on whether the Week Ending Day is the primary payrun day for leave processing
  • A new column Leave Accrued is added in the Payslips Manager screen. After the payroll processing is completed, the Leave Accrued column will display either a Yes or No
  • The Leave Details section is shown in the member's Payslip in case the Show on Payslip option is turned ON in the Leave Management Masters
  • A new field Type: Leave applicable for encashment is added in the Additions and Deductions masters


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