Leave Management

What are the View Earnings?

The View Earnings tab shows the Earning details of the member for the selected Financial Year. To view the earning report of the member:

  • Select the Financial Year and the details are displayed on the page
  • The Earning report can be exported in Excel, or PDF format and shared through Email to the designated recipients

Field Name


Financial Year 

By default, the current Financial Year is selected. All the financial years in which the member has worked will be displayed in the list.

Not selecting a specific financial year will display data for all financial years in which the member has worked.

Shifts Done

Shows the shifts paid as per the FY.

Worked Hours

Shows the shifts Worked Hours in hh: mm format.

Gross Income ($)

Shows the Gross Income amount as per the FY.

Tax Amount ($)

Shows the Tax Amount as per the FY.

Net Income

Shows the Net Income amount as per the FY.

Superannuation ($)

Shows the Superannuation amount as per the FY.

Tax Status

Shows the Tax Status as 'Tax Ready' or 'Not Tax Ready' for the member.

If the payroll is the final payroll for the financial year or if the member is terminated at the time of STP submission, the status will be 'Tax Ready' for the selected FY; otherwise, it will be indicated as 'Not Tax Ready'.

View Earnings

  1. Click Export to Excel to download the report in the Excel format

    View Earning - Excel
  2. Click Export to PDF to download the report in PDF format

    View Earning - PDF

  3. Click Send Email and the Send Email pop-up window appears that includes the Member Yearly Earning Details attachment file. In the Send Email pop-up windows:
    - Select the Email Template and provide all the required details
    - Click Send Email and the Email is shared with the designated recipients
    - You can also click the Create Log checkbox to generate the log details

    View Earning - Share Email

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