Leave Management

How to Configure Leave Entitlements?

The Configure Leave Entitlements tab displays the active leave categories aligned with the member's employee type defined in the Leave Category master. The member employee types available are Casual (C), Full Time (F), and Part Time (P).

How do you Assign and Activate Leave to a Member?

You can assign and activate any available leave categories for a member. To assign and activate the leave accrual in the Configure Leave Entitlements tab:

  • Select the appropriate Leave Accrual Should Start On date and click Save
  • The employee’s leave accrual will start from the specified date and apply to all available leave categories with the enabled Accrue Leave option
  • For the listed leave categories of the member, each Leave Category has entitlement hours per year based on a Standard Hour Per Week
  • You can activate Assign Leave for the selected Leave Category by clicking the Yes button

    Field Name


    Leave Accrual Should Start On

    The selected date is the start date for the leave accrual of the member and by default, the selected start date is the member's Hire Date.

    You can select The Following date option from the drop down and select the leave accrual start date by clicking the Calendar icon. The selected date will be the start date for the leave accrual of the member.

    Once the Leave Accrual Should Start On is selected, click Save and the Assign Applicable Leave of the member is activated.

    Assign Applicable Leave

    Shows the leave categories for the selected member aligned with the  Employee Type. 

    Leave Category Header

    Each Leave Category header is aligned with the member that shows the name of the Leave Category along with the entitled hours per year based on standard hours per week.

    For example:

    'Annual Leave: Entitlement 152 Hour(s) per year based on a standard 38 hour(s) per week'. Here:

    • Leave Category = Annual Leave
    • 152 hours: value picked based on Pay Frequency (Weekly or Fortnightly) and normally work hours of members
    • 38 hours per week: value picked from Standard Work Week of the Pay Details tab

    Note the formula to calculate Yearly Entitlement → (Yearly Entitlement/ Standard Week Hours * Hours Per Week)

    For example: If Yearly Entitlement =  152; Standard Week Hours = 38; Hours Per Week = 5
    Applying the above formula → 152/38*5= 20 hrs.

    Note if the value provided in the Standard Work Week hours of the Configure Pay tab is different from the value in the Standard Work Week Hours of the Finance Application Settings, the value provided in the Standard Work Week hours of the Configure Pay tab will override and the calculation is performed accordingly.

    Applicable For: shows the employee type based on the Leave Category from the Leave Category master.

    Current Leave Balance: shows the available balance of the leave for the Leave Category.

    Accrual Units (As Per Week)

    Shows the accrued units and are accrued when the payrun is performed on the member's primary payrun day. This is calculated based on the Standard Work Hours of the member.

    Note that Accrual Units are not applicable for the Compassionate Leave – Paid, Paid Parental Leave, Leave Without Pay, and Family and Domestic Violence – Paid leave.

    Refer to the 'How are the Leave Accrual Units Calculated for the Member?' article for details.

    Unit Type

    Shows the Unit Type as Hours or Days.

    Earning Category

    Shows the Earning Categories as Accrue hours per hour worked, Accrue fixed hours per primary pay run, or No accrual.

    Accrue Leave


    1. For the Earning Category = Accrue hours per hour worked or Accrue fixed hour per primary pay run.

    The Accrue Leave setting is set to YES and is in read only mode until the leave is assigned to this Earning Category. When the leave is assigned to the member, the Accrue Leave feature will be activated, allowing the member to update their leave balance as needed.

    If the Accrue Leave is set to NO, the leave will not accumulate for the selected Leave Category.

    2. For Earning Category: No accrual.

    The Accrue Leave setting is set to NO and is in read-only mode as no leave will be accrued for the selected Leave Category.

    Assign Leave

    When the Assign Leave toggle is set to YES, the member's leave information is securely stored, and leave accrual for the member is initiated, enabling staff to submit leave requests for the activated Leave Category.

    By default, the Assign Leave toggle is set to NO.

    Case 1: You cannot set the Assign Leave setting to NO for the Leave Category if the Current Leave Balance is not zero and an alert message is displayed 'The Leave Category cannot be unassigned as the Current Leave Balance is not zero'. 

    You can successfully unassign leave for the Leave Category if the Current Leave Balance is zero.

    Case 2: When you set the Assign Leave setting to NO to unassign the leave and the Leave Category does not belong to the existing Employee Type of the member, a confirmation message is displayed as shown in the figure below.

    Confirmation Message-3

    Click Yes and the leave will be unassigned for the member and will not be visible for the member again.

    Current Leave Balance


    Shows the Current Leave Balance for the specific Leave Category assigned to the member.

    • For the Leave Category with Earning Category as 'Accrue hour per hour worked', or 'Accrue fixed hours per primary pay run', and Accrue Leave setting set to YES, the Current Leave Balance is accumulated as per pay runs.
    • For the Leave Category with Earning Category as 'Accrue hour per hour worked', 'Accrue fixed hours per primary pay run', and Accrue Leave setting set to NO, the default Current Leave Balance is zero.
    • The default Current Leave Balance is zero for Leave Category with Earning Category as 'No accrual'.

    Edit Leave Balance / View Leave Balance

    The View Leave Balance button is visible for the Leave Category with:

    • Earning Category as 'Accrue hour per hour worked', or 'Accrue fixed hours per primary pay run'.
    • Accrue Leave setting set to YES.
    • The Current Leave Balance is greater than zero.

    Otherwise, the Edit Leave Balance button is visible.

    COnfigure Leave Entitlements

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