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NDIS Claim Report


This feature is available from Version X9.1 and above.


The NDIS Claim Report provides a summary of invoiced NDIS hours within a specified date range. This report generates all invoiced NDIS product codes and rates which can be provided to participants/funding bodies to claim the allocated funds for the completed work.

How to Access NDIS Claim Report?

To access the NDIS Claim Report:

  • Click Reports → Finance Reports → NDIS Claim Report and the NDIS Claim Report pages open

How to Generate NDIS Claim Report?

The NDIS Claim Report is generated based on the provided Shift Period. To generate the NDIS Claim Report:

  • Provide Shift Period i.e. shift start date and shift end date range. The shift date range provided will generate the NDIS Claim Report for the specified period

  • Now, click Export To CSV, and the report will be generated and downloaded in a CSV format 

All the shifts whose invoices have been generated will be included in the report.

Now, open the downloaded CSV file of the NDIS Claim Report, and the following details are shown: 

Field Name


Registration Number

Registration Number of the Client.

This Registration Number is similar as shown in the Applications Setting → General Settings screen.

NDIS Number

Service Location based Registration Number.

This Registration Number is similar as shown in the Client Management → Registration screen.

Support Delivered From

Start Date of the Shift.

Support Delivered To

End Date of the Shift. 

Note: The NDIS Claim Report will be filtered based on the provided Shift Start Date and Shift End Date.

Support Number

Shows the product code that is fetched from the Finance application corresponding to the shift and allowance. The shift and allowance will have different product codes applied for the shift when invoiced.

Claim Reference

Invoice number of the generated invoice.


Includes the allowance value (not amount) corresponding to the invoiced shift. If the invoiced shift has allowances against it, the record will be shown separately in the report for the shift.


Shift worked hours that are considered for invoicing i.e. Shift Hours minus break minutes. 

Note: For the allowances corresponding with the invoiced shift, this field will be blank.

Unit Price

Shows the Unit Price. 

Note: For a Shift, the shift rate is shown and for the Allowance, the allowance rate is shown separately.

GST Code

As per the NDIS Claim Manual, 3 GST Codes are required. The GST Code shown are:

  • P1 (Tax Claimable (10%))

  • P2 (GST Free)

  • P5 (GST out of Scope)

Authorised By

Name of the authorised person.

Participant Approved

Name of the participant who approved the report.


Funding Type of the client.

ABN of Support Provider

Shows the ABN Number of the Client. This ABN of the Support Provider is similar as shown in the Applications Setting → General Settings → ABN Number.

Sample figure of the downloaded NDIS Claim Report

The downloaded NDIS Claim Report will show the data as per the details explained above.

GST Code

In the NDIS Claim Report, the GST Code is fetched from the option selected in the Obligation Table field of the Client Payroll screen of the Finance application.

Support Number

The Support Number is fetched from the Product Numbers provided for the mapped Shift / Allowances in the Service Rate Table screen (with the selected Rate Table Name, Qualification, and Pay Level) in the Finance application.
The shift and allowance will have different Product Numbers applied for the shift when invoiced

 :arrow_right: Version Release Notes X9.1