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Version X - Growth Modules
Version X - Reporting
Verison X - FAQ
Version X - Allocations
Why can I see certain qualifications under one member and not another?
This may have to do with the industry that your members are attached to.
If one member is attached to industry 1, they may only see qual 1 and qual 2 and if another member is attached to industry 2, they be able to see qual 1 and qual 3.
To see what qualifications are attached per industry, you need to go to Masters>Member Master>Qualifications/Classifications.
AS you can see the 'AC' Qualification is attached to the 'Aged Care', 'Acute and Rehabilitation' and 'Acute' Qualifications. So this qualification will only show up for members that are attached to that industry.
To add a new industry into a qualification, click the pencil on the left side and add in any other qualification you want attached to that qualification and then hit save.
Please note that if there is no industry attached to a qualification, this will show up for all members o matter their main qualification.