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Version X - Growth Modules
Version X - Reporting
Verison X - FAQ
Version X - Allocations
Why are members struggling to check in?
The Check-in/Check-out feature enables your members to check-in and out when they are within a certain distance from the facility (when a limit is set). This can cause problems due to how Google maps stores addresses, specifically these are stored as single points on the map - the distance for check-in is calculated between where the member's phone says they are and this point.
This can cause issues for a variety of reasons:
- The point may not line up very well with the location - for example, it may be located nearby the site rather than directly on site
- The site/facility may be very large - meaning that even if members are on site, the distance is being calculated from the center so they still cannot check in
- The member's phone may have trouble exactly locating them - if this is a recurrent issue for many members, it may be due to network/geolocation issues in the region
For these reasons (and other common problems), if your members have trouble checking in the first troubleshooting step should always be to increase the distance limit either globally (for version earlier than 9.4) or at an individual client level (for version at or later than 9.4). Generally, a distance of 1.0 KMs is recommended to try and rule out these kinds of issues - but some clients may need a wider distance.
If after troubleshooting, the problem persists, please contact the support team as this may need further investigation.