Leave Management

What is Leave Management in Personnel Card?



The Leave Management Details page shows the member's current Leave Balance and Leave Request details. 

  1. Leave Balance - shows the leave balance for each leave category assigned to the member. On clicking any of the leave categories, the Assign Leave Type pop-up window appears (details covered in the Configure Leave Entitlement - How to Edit/ View Leave Balance?
    section) ClickHere-2
  2. The Leave Request section shows:
    1. All the member's available leave requests. The details include Leave Category, Leave Period, Reason of Leave, Leave Units, Unit Type, Leave Status, Created By/ On, and Updated By/ On 
    2. The color codes for Leave Status as Green for 'Approved', Red for 'Rejected', Grey for 'Payroll Processed', and Orange for 'Payroll Pending'
    3. The Export option to export the leave request details in Excel or PDF format
    4. The selected Financial Year filter displays all the requested leave data based on the calendar year i.e. from January to December. By default, leave requests for the current year are filtered. If the FY is not selected, all leave requests are displayed
    5. The New Leave Request to add the new leave request for the member

    When the leave is processed in the payroll finalise stage of the Finance application, the leave request status changes from 'Approved' to 'Payroll Processed' or 'Payroll Pending'. The member's leave balance is adjusted based on the processed leave units and is automatically updated for the respective Leave Category. Once a leave request is marked as 'Processed', it cannot be modified or deleted.


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