Leave Management

How to Edit Leave Request?

You can edit the Start Date, End Date, and Reason of Leave for the existing leave with the status as 'Approved', and 'Rejected' leave but cannot edit the details for leave with the status as 'Payroll Pending' or 'Payroll Processed' (except for End Date in the 'Payroll Pending' status).

To edit the existing leave:

  1. Click the edit icon and the Edit Leave Request pop-up window appears
  2. Edit all the required details
  3. Click Approve

Edit Leave Request

To view the details of the leave with the status as 'Payroll Pending/ Payroll Processed':

  1. Click the edit icon and the Edit Leave Request pop-up window appears
  2. Click the View Details to view the requested leave details as shown in the figure below


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