Leave Management

How to Edit Leave Details in Masters?

You can edit the existing leave details of the Leave Category.

To edit existing leave details:

  • Click the edit icon of the Leave Category as shown in the figure below and the Edit Leave Details pop-up window will open

Edit Leave Management

  • Edit all the required Leave Details
  • Click Update 

You cannot edit the Earning Category, Unit Type, Yearly Entitlement, or Status fields if the Leave Category has already been assigned to the member. Attempting to do so will trigger the following error message: "The Leave Category cannot be set to inactive as it is currently assigned to the member(s)."


Field Name


Leave Category 

The Leave Category is pre-filled based on the selected category and is shown in read-only mode.

The available leave categories are Annual Leave, Annual Leave - Fixed Hours, Personal/ Carer's Leave, Personal/ Carer's Leave - Fixed Hours, Compassionate Leave – Paid, Paid Parental Leave, Leave without pay, and Family and domestic violence – Paid.

Leave is applied to Full Time, Part Time, and Casual employees based on the selected leave category.

Applicable For

Based on the selected Leave Category, the employee type (Full Time, Part Time, and Casual) applies to the members. The employee type is shown below the Leave Category with a green tick.

  • Full Time employee types are eligible for: Annual Leave, Annual Leave - Fixed Hours, Personal/ Carer's Leave, Compassionate Leave – Paid, Personal/ Carer's Leave - Fixed Hours, Paid Parental Leave, Leave Without Pay, and Family and Domestic Violence Leave.
  • Part Time employee types are eligible for: Annual Leave, Annual Leave - Fixed Hours, Personal/ Carer's Leave, Compassionate Leave – Paid, Personal/ Carer's Leave - Fixed Hours, Paid Parental Leave, Leave Without Pay, and Family and Domestic Violence Leave.
  • Casual employee types are eligible for: Leave Without Pay and Family and Domestic Violence Leave (Paid).

Earning Category 

Depending on the selected Leave Category, the Earning Category options are available as Accrue Fixed hours per primary pay run, Accrue hours per hour worked, and No accrual. 

  • Accrue fixed hours per primary pay run: The fixed hour units are accrued to the applicable members when the member's payroll is performed on the primary pay run day.

    This Earning Category is applicable for Annual Leave - Fixed Hours and Personal/ Carer's Leave - Fixed Hours.
  • Accrue hours per hour worked: The leave hour units are accrued to the applicable member on the primary pay run day on a pro-rata basis i.e. hours worked by the member.
    E.g. If a member works 20 hours in a week and the hourly leave accrual rate is 0.0769, then the member will accrue 1.538 hours (20 * 0.769) of leave on the primary pay run day.

    This Earning Category is applicable for Annual Leave and Personal/ Carer's Leave.
  • No accrual: No leave units will be accrued when the member's pay run is performed.

    This Earning Category is applicable for Compassionate Leave – Paid, Paid Parental Leave, Leave Without Pay, and Family and Domestic Violence – Paid.

Display Sequence

Based on the provided Display Sequence, the leave categories are displayed on the Leave Management Masters and Configure Leave Entitlements page.

However, if an employee has been assigned leave, the categories will be displayed based on the assigned leave categories.

The default display sequence for leave categories is 1. Annual Leave, 2. Personal/ Carer's Leave, 3. Compassionate Leave – Paid, 4. Family and Domestic Violence Leave – Paid, 5. Leave Without Pay, 6. Paid Parental Leave, 7. Annual Leave - Fixed Hours, and 8. Personal/ Carer's Leave - Fixed Hour.

Note that when the Display Sequence is empty, the leave category will be displayed last.

Standard Week Hours (as per Finance Application settings)

Unit Type

Unit type refers to the measures of leave entitlements for a member. The available options are Hours and Days depending on the selected Leave Category.  

  • Hours: Yearly entitlement to be displayed, tracked, and calculated in Hours.

    The Hours Unit Type is applicable for Annual Leave, Annual Leave - Fixed Hours, Personal/ Carer's Leave - Fixed Hours, and Personal/ Carer's Leave.
  • Days: Yearly entitlement to be displayed, tracked, and calculated in Days.

    The Days Unit Type is applicable for Compassionate Leave – Paid, Paid Parental Leave.
  • Hours and Days both are applicable for Leave without pay, Family and domestic violence – Paid.

Yearly Entitlement

The annual entitlement of leave units allocated to the member for the selected Leave Category.

Based on the selected Unit Type, the Yearly Entitlement will be 'in hours' or 'in days', respectively.

Accrual Units 

Accrual Units are shown and calculated according to the selected Earnings Category and Unit Type aligned with the Yearly Entitlement and are auto-calculated.

The Accrual Units are calculated according to the Weekly Pay Frequency, and Fortnightly Pay Frequency.  

How the Accrual Units are Calculated?

A. Earning Category = Accrue Fixed hours per primary pay run
Unit Type = Hour; Number of Weeks in a Year = 52; and Yearly Entitlement = 152.

Case 1: Member's Pay Run Frequency = Weekly

Formula → 'value of yearly entitlement/ number of weeks in a year’

  • Applying the above formula → (152/52) = 2.92307 hours per week.
  • As a result, the accrual units will be 2.92307 hours. 

Case 2: Member's Pay Run Frequency = Fortnightly

Formula → '(value of yearly entitlement/ weeks in a year) * 2

  • Applying the above formula → (152/52) * 2 = 5.84614 hours per fortnight.
  • As a result, the accrual units will be 2.92307 hours. 
B. Earning Category = Accrue hours per hour worked

Unit Type = Hour; Number of Weeks in a Year = 52; Work Hours in a Week = 38; and Yearly Entitlement = 152.

Case 1: Member's Pay Run Frequency = Weekly

Formula →  '(value in yearly entitlement/ number of weeks in a year) / work hours in a week’. Here the work hours are the standard week work hours saved in the Application Settings.

  • Applying the above formula → (152/52)/38= 0.07692 hours.
  • As a result, the accrual units will be 0.07692 hours.

 Case 2: Member's Pay Run Frequency = Fortnightly

Accrual units are determined using the same formula as in the Weekly Frequency.

The Accrual Units are not displayed when the Earning Category is No accrual and consequently, not applicable for Compassionate Leave – Paid, Paid Parental Leave, Leave Without Pay, and Family and Domestic Violence Leave.

Annual Leave balance Carry forward?

If the Annual Leave balance Carry forward? setting is set to YES, the leave balance will be carried forward on the member's work anniversary; otherwise, it will be reset to zero.

The default setting displays as YES for Annual Leave, Annual Leave - Fixed Hours, Personal/ Carer's Leave, Paid Parental Leave, and Personal/ Carer's Leave - Fixed Hours. 

For Compassionate Leave – Paid, Leave Without Pay, and Family and Domestic Violence – Paid, the settings are set to NO.


Encashable refers to the compensation or payment in exchange for accrued unused leave of an employee. The employees have the option to encash their accumulated leave during their employment tenure while retiring or continuing to work.

Encashable is set to YES for Annual Leave, Annual Leave - Fixed Hours, Personal/ Carer's Leave, and Personal/ Carer's Leave - Fixed Hours by default and is editable.

Show on Payslip

Activate the Yes button to show the leave balance on the member’s Payslip.


Set the Status of the Leave Category as Active or Inactive.

The Active status indicates that the selected Leave Category is available for request, assigning, and accrual in the system.

Note: The Leave Category can be set to Inactive if no members are assigned to the selected Leave Category.

Map leave to addition type for payroll purpose

Paid Leave

Activate the Yes button in case of Paid Leave.

If the Paid Leave option is set to Yes but the Leave Addition is not configured, the Leave Addition will not be included in the payroll for members under this Leave Category.

Leave Addition

Select the relevant Addition from the drop down.

All the active Additions in the Additions Deductions Master of the Finance application are available in the Leave Addition drop-down list.

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