Leave Management

How are Leave Details Shown in Finance?

The Leave Details section is shown in the member's Payslip in case the Show on Payslip option is turned ON in the Leave Management Masters for any available Leave Category in the Staff Portal.

The Leave Details section shows the YTD details of all the leave assigned to the member. All the assigned leave of members with the Accrue Leave turned ON in the Configure Leave Entitlements tab of the Staff Portal are accrued and shown as per the cases explained above.

  • When the payslip is finalised, the available balance of the selected leave category will be deducted as per the requested leave units processed in that payrun, and the status of the leave request will be updated to 'Payroll Processed'
  • In case all the units of the requested leave are not processed in the payrun, the status of the leave request will be updated to 'Payroll Pending'. Once all requested leave units are processed, the status of the leave request will be updated to 'Payroll Processed'


  • When you finalise the payslips with leave processing, the notes are saved in the member payslips. The notes are displayed in the View Payslip History for the payslip number in the Finance Notes column. Additional notes related to leave processing are appended to existing finance notes

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