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Growth Module - Member Fatigue Management


How to Access Member Fatigue Management?
What are Fatigue Management Global Settings and its impact?
How to Add a New Rule?
  Shift Type Based Rules
  Shift Hours Based Rules
Why am I Unable to Add a New Rule?
How to Edit Existing Rule?
How to Copy Existing Rule?
How to Delete Existing Rule?
How to Export Existing Rules to Excel?
What is the Impact of Rules on Allocations?
What are the Conditions when the System does not Enforce the Fatigue Rules?
What is the Impact of Rules on Members App?
  Shift Warning
  Shift Restriction
What is the Impact of Rules on Clients and Professionals?


Fatigue has emerged as a significant and, in some cases, escalating challenge for businesses across various industry sectors. This includes industry standards and internal policies to prevent employees from overextending themselves or accumulating excessive overtime. The Fatigue Management growth module empowers your team to define specific, configurable rules to avoid situations that violate your fatigue rules/ policies.

The Fatigue Management growth module allows:

  • To define rules based on member qualification, industry, and employment type (i.e., Casual, Full Time, Part Time, etc.) to identify when a member may be operating outside the fatigue management policies of your organization.
  • To specify whether the defined rules should be shown as a Warning or Restriction to the staff member via the app, or as a Warning or Restriction exclusively to your internal allocations team. The Warning allows us to proceed with the shift while the Restriction serves as a hard block.
  • To specify whether the defined rules are applied to the total number of hours worked during a specified time (i.e., a day, a week, or a fortnight) as well as rules concerning the required gap between shifts, and to exclude shifts assigned to the same Service Location or Delivery Location.

    How to Access Member Fatigue Management?

    To access Member Fatigue Management:

    • Click Masters → Allocation Master → Member Fatigue Management

    What are Fatigue Management Global Settings and its impact?

    Rule Priority

    The Member Fatigue Management sets the global level settings to nominate Control Measures and Auto Check the system automatically while allocating shifts to the members in the Staff Portal application.

    In certain situations, multiple rules may be applicable concurrently; for instance, a global rule applicable to all members while a qualification-specific rule may apply to a particular member. In this scenario, the system will use the rule priority to determine the applicable rules. This depends on the 'Control Measures,' which offer the following options:

    • All Members

    • Members with Industry match rule

    • Members with Qualification match rule

    • Member with Employment type rule

    By default, the system will apply rules in the following order, typically corresponding to applying more member-specific details with a higher priority than less specific details:

    The selection of a priority measure ensures that these rules are implemented before the application of any other rules. Maximum priority is required when two rules are defined, for example, your team may need to implement distinct rules for casual versus full-time employees, indicating that these rules should be applied before considering qualification.

    For a more specific example:

    • Rule 1 → Minimum 6 hours gap between 2 shifts for "RN" Members and

    • Rule 2 → Minimum 5 hours gap between 2 shifts for "Healthcare" Members.

    Now, if the priority control measure selected is the “Member with Qualification match rule”, then Rule 1 will be applicable while allocating shifts as well as in the member app while accepting released shifts.

    Auto Check Rules

    This setting indicates whether the system will automatically apply rule checks. By default, the rules are set to True. When the Auto Check Rules are set to False, it indicates that the rules will not be applied automatically; instead, internal staff will perform the checks manually as needed. In summary:

    • FALSE: rules defined in the master will not be automatically applied and this option will also keep the system load balanced

    • TRUE: rules defined in the master will be automatically applied when the internal staff allocates members in the Shift 

    Note that the existing Rules are displayed in the Member Fatigue Management page.

    How to Add a New Rule?

    To add a New Rule:

    • Click Add New Rule

    • Provide all the required details

    • Click Save 

    While creating a new rule, selecting the appropriate Restriction Type as 'Shift Type' or 'Shift Hours' is essential, as this will determine the relevant field details for the rule. The new rule is defined based on the provided details.

    The following details apply to all rules, irrespective of the Restriction Type:

    Field Name


    Rule Name

    Name of the new rule.

    Control Measure

    Select the members to whom the rule will be applicable:

    • All Members – the rule will apply to all the members i.e., Casual, Full Time, and Part Time.

    • Member Employment Type – restricts the rule for the members with a specific employment type.

    • Member Industry – restricts the rule for the members with a specific industry.

    • Member Qualification – restricts the rule for the members with a specific qualification (primary or non-primary).

    Control Measure Value

    Based on the control measure selected above, you can select the specific details for the rule:

    • All Members – field is disabled.

    • Member Employment Type – select a value from the employment type list fetched from the Employment Type Masters.

    • Member Industry – select value from the industry list fetched from the Industry Masters.

    • Member Qualification – select value from the qualification list fetched from the Qualification Masters.

    Staff User Action

    Staff User Action is selected as a Warning or Restriction.

    Warning – If the Warning is selected and the member does not comply with the fatigue rule set, the system will show an alert to the Staff while allocating shift to the member. However, the Staff can override and allocate the shift to the member.

    Restriction – If the Restriction is selected and the member does not comply with the fatigue rule set, the system will show a restriction alert to the Staff while allocating shift to the member. However, the Staff will not be able to allocate the shift to the member.

    External User Action


    External User Action is selected as a Warning or Restriction.

    Warning – If the Warning is selected and a member does not comply with the fatigue rule set, the system will show an alert to the external user (member/professional). However, the external user can override the warning and allocate/accept the shift.

    Restriction – Similar to the Staff User Action, the external user (member/professional) will not be able to allocate/accept the shift.

    Apply Start Date

    From this Start Date, the system will check the fatigue rules for the members while allocating shifts by the Staff/ Professional and will also check on accepting Release Shifts from the Member App.

    Apply End Date

    Until this End Date, the system will check the fatigue rules while allocating shifts/ accepting Release Shifts for the member.

    In case the Apply End Date is not available, the rule will be treated as an infinity rule.

    Restriction Type

    Shift Type – This option lets you create rules relating to shift type (rather than hours). For example, you can create a fatigue rule (warning/restriction) on members working in a morning shift (AM) after a night shift (NS).

    Hour Type – This option lets you create rules relating to the total number of hours worked by a member in a given period. For example, you can place weekly limits of 38 hours to prevent any staff members from accruing overtime.


    The Status selected as Active indicates the rule is applied across the system and the Inactive rule is not applied.

    Upload File

    To upload documents for the fatigue rule, click Choose File.

    The file should be in .jpeg, .jpg, .png, .doc, .docx, .pdf, .xls, and .xlsx format only (with a maximum size of 5MB).

    Show Uploaded file to Member

    When this option is activated, any files uploaded above will be accessible to members as they attempt to accept a shift through the Member App.

    Shift Type Based Rules

    Shift Type based rules will check the system to determine if a selected member is scheduled for either an old or new shift, while also assessing any incompatible combinations. For instance, members assigned to a Night Shift may be restricted from accepting a Morning Shift the following day.

    Old Shift Booking to check

    Select the Shift Type that is already booked for the member and the system will restrict the New Shift booking for the member as per the fatigue rule.

    New Shift Booking to restrict

    Select the Shift Type that needs to be restricted for the member allocation/ member release shifts screen.

    If the shift is not conforming to the rules set, the system will show a Warning/Restriction message:

    • When the Staff allocates a shift for the selected shift type from Staff Portal.

    • When the member tries to accept a released shift of the selected shift type in the Member App.

    • When the client allocates a shift of the selected shift type to the member from the Client/Professional Portal.

    Number of days (- / +) to check the rule validity as per the new booking shift day

    Here, you can select values between 0-2 days, and the '+' symbol represents days in the future, whilst the '-' symbol days in the past.

    This setting causes the system to continue to check for inappropriate Shift Type combinations in a single day and will also do further checks for the specified number of days before and after the existing shift. 

    This feature is effective for creating rules that can apply across consecutive days rather than being limited to a single day.

    For example:

    • If you create a fatigue rule for 'No AM shifts after NS shifts', you can set the action as 'Restriction' for both staff (internal) and external user action to create a hard block.
    • If you create a fatigue rule for 'No PM shifts after AM shifts', you can set the action as 'Restriction' for external staff (preventing any overrides of this rule). Conversely, for internal staff, you may opt to set the action as 'Warning'. This approach facilitates the necessary internal approvals for any double shifts.


    Note: The system will automatically verify provided shift types for both old and new shift bookings by adding the number of days by using the (+/-) button. This means the system also checks for the clashes of shifts for the past and future days.

    For example, when checking for a Night Shift (NS) followed by a Morning Shift (AM), the '+' field should be configured to 1. This setting allows the system to identify that an NS has been completed and verifies that there is no AM booking scheduled for the subsequent date.

    Shift Hours Based Rules

    Shift Hours rules can limit the total hours a member is permitted to work within the specified period, whether that be for a single day, a week, or a fortnight.

    Field Name


    Week Work Start Day

    Select the start day of the week and the system will calculate the allocated shift hours of the member as per “Week Worked Hours” and “Fortnight Worked Hours”.

    By default, Week Work Start Day will be Monday.

    For example: For a fatigue rule set, if Week Work Start Day is selected as Tuesday, the Rule Apply Start date is 29/12/2021 and Staff is allocating a shift with shift date as 29/12/2021 to the member. Here the system will check the allocated hours of the member from Tuesday i.e., 28/12/2021 till Monday i.e., 03/01/2022.

    Hours gap between shifts (HH: MM)

    Minimum hours gap between the two consecutive shifts for the member to work according to the rule set. This will be defined in the 'hh:mm' format. 

    Note that the Maximum Hour Limit is set to 24 hrs.

    Here consecutive shift gaps will be considered based on:

    • Preceding shift checks: End time of the preceding shift in which the member is active and the start time of the new shift allocated to member/ accepting release shift by the member.
    • Succeeding shift checks: End time of the new shift allocating to member/ accepting release shift by the member and start time of the succeeding shift in which the member is active.

    Exclude shifts for a same Service Location

    Activate the ON toggle button to exclude the check for “Hours gap between shifts” while allocating shifts to the member/release shift accepted by the member of the same Service Location.

    This will be applicable only for the Service Location without any Delivery Location.

    By default, this toggle button is OFF which means the system will show a Warning/Restriction to the staff/client while allocating the shift without Delivery Location. Show Warning/Restriction to the member to accept release shift without Delivery Location, if the member has a pre-active shift i.e. same Service Location without Delivery Location and the gap between both the shifts is less than or equal to the hours mentioned in the rule. This rule checks the gap between:

    • The new booking shift and the shift in which the member is already active (past/future).

    • Multiple new bookings are created altogether from the Multi Booking screen.

    • The active shift and the release shift that the member is trying to accept.

    Exclude shifts for all Delivery Locations (For Same Service Location)

    Activate the ON toggle button to exclude the check for “Hours gap between shifts”, while allocating shifts to the member/ release shift accepted by the member of the same Service Location for all Delivery Locations.

    By default, this toggle button is OFF which means the system shows a Warning/Restriction to the staff/client while allocating the shift with Delivery Location. Show Warning/Restriction to the member to accept release shift with Delivery Location, if the member has a pre-active shift with Delivery Location and the gap between both shifts is less than or equal to the hours mentioned in the rule.

    Single Day Worked Hours (HH:MM)

    Maximum hours a member is allocated to work in a day according to the fatigue rule set and the Single Day Work Hours limit cannot be greater than 24 hours.

    Week Worked Hours (HH:MM)

    Maximum hours a member is allocated to work in a week according to the fatigue rule set and the Week Work Hours limit cannot be greater than 60 hours.

    Fortnight Worked Hours (HH:MM)

    Maximum hours a member is allocated to work in a fortnight according to the fatigue rule set and the Fortnight Work Hours limit cannot be greater than 120 hours.

    Please note: If we update the rule as per the current date or update the visa hours, then the system will check the shifts for that member, in the last week and calculate the hours.

    If shifts are identified in the previous week, the system will calculate the hours based on both the shifts from the previous week and the current week. Conversely, if no shifts are recorded in the previous week, the system will assess the current and upcoming weeks to accurately calculate the shift hours.

    Include weekend?

    Activate the ON toggle button to calculate hours of weekend shift(s) allocated to the member as per “Week Worked Hours” and “Fortnight Worked Hours”.

    Exemptions (Specify shift exemptions to exclude from rule)

    Specify shift Exemptions to exclude from the rule for Employee Type(s), Shift Type(s), Industry(s), or/and Qualification(s).

    Note the defined fatigue rule will not apply to the selected exemptions.

    Restriction Message to Internal Staff

    This Restriction Message is visible to Staff as a Warning/ Restriction message while allocating shifts from the Staff Portal in case the shift does not conform to the fatigue rule set.

    The Warning/ Restriction message is based on the Staff User Action value selected.

    Restriction Message to External Staff

    This Restriction Message is visible to the Client/Professional on the Client/Professional Portal as the Warning/ Restriction message based on the value selected in the External User Action field.

    For the Member, this message is visible in the Member App as a Warning/Restriction message based on the value selected in the External Staff Action field.


    For example:

    • You can create a rule to limit the number of hours worked over a week or a fortnight, ensuring compliance with industry award regulations. When this rule is configured to restrict external staff, members will be unable to override it. Conversely, internal users may have the capability to do so, in case this is approved by the client or this overtime is approved internally.
    • Rules can also apply within a single day -  to prevent the risk of staff exceeding permissible working hours within a single period. This approach is particularly beneficial for organisations that utilize numerous short shifts, as opposed to fewer extended shifts, where the Shift Type rules might be less effective.

    Why am I Unable to Add a New Rule?

    The following are potential reasons why you are not able to add a new rule:

    1. Multiple similar rules cannot be 'Active' at the same time. For example, two rules were created to restrict 'Single Day Worked Hours' for a particular Qualification

      This rule is implemented to avoid potential logical inconsistencies arising from overlapping rules. If you try to create similar rules, a warning message is displayed and you will not be able to add the rule
    2. If the Apply End Date is not specified, the rule will be considered to be in effect indefinitely. Consequently, you will not be allowed to create a similar new rule unless you do not provide the end date to the existing rule

    How to Edit Existing Rule?

    To edit a rule:

    • Click the edit icon as shown in the figure below and the Edit Rule pop-up window opens

    • Edit all the relevant details

    • Click Update


    How to Copy Existing Rule?

    You can copy the existing rule and create a new, similar rule based on this existing rule. To copy an existing rule:

    • Click the copy icon (as shown in the figure below) and a confirmation pop-up window opens
    • Click Yes and the Add New Rule window appears with all the fields prefilled from the copied rule

    • Provide the Rule Name and modify the required details
    • Click save and the new rule is created successfully

    Note that for the Copy Rule, the Control Measure and Restriction Type fields are disabled.

    How to Delete Existing Rule?

    You can delete the existing rule. To delete an existing rule:

    • Click the delete icon and a confirmation pop-up window confirms that you want to delete the fatigue rule

    • Click yes and the Member Fatigue Management Rule is deleted successfully

    How to Export Existing Rules to Excel?

    To export the existing Member Fatigue Management Rules into the CSV file:

    • Click Export to Excel as shown in the figure below

    • The Member Fatigue Management Rules .CSV file is downloaded into your system

    • The downloaded .CSV file includes all the details of existing Active and Inactive rules


    The Settings feature consists of quick hyperlinks to the Industry Type Masters, Shift Type Masters, and Qualification/Classification Masters.


    What is the Impact of Rules on Allocations?

    The actions within the system that have the potential to violate the fatigue rules such as allocating into new/ existing shifts will be flagged with the defined fatigue management rules.

    You can view the details of the violated Member Fatigue Management Rule. The non-compliant indicates that the member's shift is not adhering to the defined member fatigue rule.

    Single Booking

    When placing a quick/single booking, if a member is appointed directly into the shift, the system will check their current and past shifts against the fatigue rules and flag any violation of the rules. 

    Clicking View check(s) details will open up a compliance page that includes any compliance rules applicable to the member. On this page, fatigue rules are located at the bottom of the page.

    Based on the 'Staff User Action' field, the fatigue section will either appear:
    • Red: indicating that the fatigue rule is a restriction and the allocator will not be able to allocate shift to the member
    • Orange: indicating that the fatigue rule is a warning and the allocator will be able to allocate a shift to the member

    If the allocator wants further details on the specific rule, expand this section to view the details of the rule.

    Quick New Shift Booking-View DetailsN

    Appoint Members

    Similarly as explained in Single Booking, the Appoint option will display a message while appointing a member to a single shift. On clicking View Check(s) Details, check the fatigue rule details.

    Assign Members

    In the Assign Member, when the allocator accepts or allocates a shift to the member that has the fatigue rule applicable, a Member Check pop-up appears. In the event of a Warning, the allocator will be permitted to allocate the shift; however, if a Restriction is encountered, the option to allocate will be disabled.

    On clicking View Check(s) Details, check the fatigue rule details. 

    Member Contact Card

    Similarly, when the staff tries to accept the shift for the member in the Member Contact Card with the fatigue rules applicable (warning/restriction), a Member Check pop-up appears. 

    Similarly, when the staff tries to accept a member's shift in the Member Contact Card with the fatigue rules applicable (warning/restriction), a Member Check pop-up appears. 

    On clicking View Check(s) Details, check the fatigue rule details. 

    Edit Shift

    In the Edit Shift, when the staff tries to edit the shift for the member that has the fatigue rules applicable, a Member Check pop-up appears. In the Member Check pop-up, in the event of a Warning, the allocator will be able to Confirm the shift; however, if a Restriction is encountered, the Confirm will be disabled. 

    On clicking View Check(s) Details, check the fatigue rule details. 

    What are the Conditions When the System does not Enforce the Fatigue Rules?

    The fatigue checks are not applicable in the features listed below:

    • Placing Multi Booking.
    • Editing Multiple Shifts.
    • Appointing staff to multiple shifts.
    • Making changes via a booking ratio (with members allocated/accepted into the shifts already).

    It is important to note that the absence of automatic checks within the system will be flagged at the time of making these changes, as illustrated below.

    What is the Impact of Rules on Members App?

    The fatigue rules defined above are applicable when a member tries to accept a released shift via the Member App. Consequently, the same priorities, specificity, and rule structure will apply when an allocator tries to assign a shift. Note that the checks will be activated only when a member tries to accept a booking and can still view shifts that are not permitted to work.

    The fatigue rule applicable to the members is the 'External User Action' settings that define whether the rule is just a warning or a hard block.

    Shift Warning

    When the 'External User Action' is set to Warning, the member will still be able to accept the shift if the rule is violated. However, a warning message is displayed as shown in the figure below.

    If the member clicks to view more details, the specifics of the warning will be displayed. However, the member can continue to accept the shift by closing the alert message.

    Shift Restriction

    When the 'External User Action' is set to Restriction and a member tries to accept the shift, the member will be blocked from accepting the released shift as shown in the figure below.

    If the member clicks to view more details, the reason for the restriction will be displayed. In this case, the member will not be able to accept the shift and no further action is required by the member.

    What is the Impact of Rules on Clients and Professionals?

    As explained above, the 'External User Action' determines whether a client or professional will get a warning or a restriction. In both cases, a Member Check pop-up appears when the client/ professional tries to assign a shift to the member as shown in the figure below.

    Similarly, if the rule is set to be a warning, the client/professional will be able to confirm the shift, if it is a restriction, the client/professional cannot place the member into the shift and the Confirm button will be disabled.

    Client Portal - Assign Member